The Inquisitional Urge Gets the Better of Bill Donohue (Again)
Frank Cocozzelli printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Feb 15, 2015 at 08:23:07 PM EST
Bill Donohue is at it again. The Catholic League president went apoplectic over President Obama’s seemingly innocuous comments at the February 5th National Prayer Breakfast. Besides being upset with his remarks about the Crusades, Donohue went on another rant about the Inquisition: incredibly claiming, “the Catholic Church had almost nothing to do with it.” Since we’ve been down this road with Bill Donohue before, it seemed like a good time to republish this post from 2007. Some things never change. -- Frank Cocozzelli

"I just got back from the Auto de fe! Auto de fe? What's an auto de fe? It's what you oughtn't to do but you do anyway."

--"What a Day for an Auto de Fe, as sung by Mel Brooks in the Role of Torquemada, in the film, "History of the World, Part 1"

For those of us who write about the Catholic Right, the Catholic League's ever-bombastic Bill Donohue is the gift that keeps on giving, almost to the point of self-parody. But Bill, beware! Those who seek to justify one inquisition may themselves have to do their own auto de fe, albeit one that is both secular and far more humane in nature.