A Conservative Crack-up at The American Spectator
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Jun 22, 2007 at 05:16:56 PM EST
When the religious right careens off the road of reason, the crash can be spectacular. Thursday night the sky was lit by the firey embers of the ravings of one Jeffrey Lord a former political director in the Reagan White House; duly recorded at The American Spectator.

On the eve of the national gathering of the United Church of Christ in Hartford, Connecticut, Lord compared his own church to the former Soviet Union and this comparison is justified he implies, because the leadership of the UCC is somehow analagous to the Talk to Action site guidelines!  As a co-founder of the site, naturally this came as a surprise to me --  as did Lord's claim that our modest effort and the activities of the national UCC are also somehow like Harvard and contemporary Russia.

Before we examine the smoking wreckage of Lord's rhetorical vehicle, let's take a look at tracks of his smear.

The hard, plain fact is that at the national level of my church, intolerance of political diversity is the coin of the realm. Pushing a PR campaign that proclaims it is a "welcoming" denomination, the blunt fact is that if you are a conservative in the UCC at the national level you are anything but welcomed. In