Why Abortion Rights Should Be Extremely Important to Every Liberal
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Sat Sep 08, 2007 at 02:15:10 PM EST
(cross-posted from HotFlashReport)

Abortion, abortion, abortion.

A lot of people say they're sick of constantly hearing about that issue. They're tired of the same old arguments repeated ad nauseum. They're turned off by the "extremists" on both sides who want either all or nothing. They're frustrated by the yawning chasm between pro-choice and anti-choice views that can never be bridged. They're sick of abortion, period. I mean, who wants to think about abortion anyway, or even say the word out loud? It's all so "icky."
So instead, our Democratic contenders for President talk about a "woman's right to choose" and how abortions should be prevented. They want to make abortion "rare," which I suspect hides their real wish - that the abortion issue would just disappear and stop ickying up their campaigns. There's virtually no recognition of the fact that abortion care is already rare in this country, and getting rarer. Poor women and teenagers in particular have already had their "right to choose" taken away, thanks to numerous and onerous state and federal