Seven Questions US Media Has Neglected To Ask, About Sarah Palin
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Oct 10, 2008 at 07:35:06 PM EST
Here are the Questions:
On December 26, 2007, a statement from the office of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin announced the upcoming appointment of Rev. Patrick Donelson to the Alaska State Suicide-Prevention Council. Up through at least the end of 2006 [see footnote], Donelson was the president of Carry the Cure, Inc., a suicide prevention nonprofit: On December 26, 2007, Sarah Palin was then listed as actively serving on the advisory board of Carry the Cure.

Carry the Cure's IRS 990EZ tax returns from 2000 through 2006 state that Carry the Cure's organizational mission was "Religious - Evangelism" and not suicide prevention, and from 2003 onward those tax returns suggest that the Alaska state suicide prevention grant money which Carry the Cure received was being used primarily for evangelizing, with suicide prevention as a secondary priority.

Sarah Palin's Governor's statement, on her appointment of Donelson to the State Suicide Prevention Council, indicated that Donelson was qualified for the post  based on his suicide prevention work with Carry the Cure, Inc.

As indicated in multiple places on his ministry web site, the religious tendency Pat Donelson promotes includes claims that Christians can learn to raise the dead, and effect miraculous healing, as well as the belief that a Christian end-time army will cleanse the earth of evil. These beliefs are highly controversial among American evangelicals let alone in wider American society.

Why should Americans be confident in having Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from the US presidency given her track record -- of appointing, to a state position, an associate of hers whose organization appears to have misused state suicide prevention money to promote a highly sectarian and controversial interpretation of Christianity ?

2. In an October 2005 religious ceremony at the Wasilla Assembly of God church in Alaska, Sarah Palin was blessed and anointed by Bishop Thomas Muthee, whose Kenyan ministry is financially supported by that Wasilla church and who has built an international reputation based on his claim to have dramatically cut crime and addiction in a suburb of Nairobi, Kenya, by driving out a "spirit of witchcraft" and by inciting a mob to hound an elderly  Christian woman accused of witchcraft out of town. In the 2005 ceremony, Thomas Muthee called on God to protect Palin from "spirits of witchcraft".

Thomas Muthee's blessing and anointing of Sarah Palin clearly amounted to a strong political endorsement of Sarah Palin, and her presence at the Wasilla church ceremony clearly can be construed as Palin's endorsement of Muthee.

Does Sarah Palin also endorse Thomas Muthee's claim to be able to fight crime and addiction through a program of "religious cleansing", by driving those whose religious beliefs Muthee disagrees with from cities, towns and even whole geographic areas ? Does Palin endorse Muthee's program of fighting crime by driving out accused "witches" and expelling "spirits of witchcraft" ?

Does Sarah Palin endorse Thomas Muthee's program of religious cleansing ? If not, why did she participate in that elaborate October 2005 religious ritual at the Wasilla Assembly of God ?

Thomas Muthee has stated, in a sermon given March 14, 2004, at the United Kingdom Kingsgate Community Church, that "Brazil is a Catholic stronghold, but people are getting saved anyway!"

Does Sarah Palin believe, as Thomas Muthee seems to believe, that Brazil is an enemy religious stronghold occupied by Catholics ?


At the October, 2005, Wasilla Assembly of God ceremony, Thomas Muthee gave a speech in which he called for Christian "infiltration" of key areas of society including business and finance, government and politics, education and schools, and the media.

Does Sarah Palin endorse Muthee's program of "Christian infiltration" ? If she does not, why did Palin subsequently accept Muthee's religious blessing and endorsement ?


In his March 14, 2004 appearance at the United Kingdom based Kingsgate Community Church, Bishop Thomas Muthee told his audience,

" The violent take it by force. People that have spiritual backbones are the ones that are going to advance. They are the ones that will move forward.

I thank God for what I see happening in this place. I thank God for the vision, the passion that I can see here. And my word is this: the more violent you become, the more committed you become, the quicker you will see things happen in this region."

Muthee was talking about "spiritual violence", but Muthee's in October 2005 speech at the Wasilla Assembly of God, given prior to his blessing of Sarah Palin as a political leader,  Muthee called on Christian to take control of not the "spiritual kingdom" but the "earthly kingdom".

Does Sarah Palin endorse Thomas Muthee's apparent advocacy that Christians use deceit, and perhaps violence as well, to achieve control of government, finance, education and media ?


As reported by the McClatchy news service, on June 7, 2008, Sarah Palin used Alaska State travel funds to fly from Juneau to the Wasilla area where, the next day, Palin attended two public events;  a graduation ceremony for Wasilla Assembly of God "Master's Commission" students, during which Palin was blessed by Wasilla Assembly of God head pastor Ed Kalnins and by former Wasilla Assembly of God head pastor Paul Riley. The other event Palin attended that day was a gathering of local churches called "One Lord Sunday", at which Palin was again publicly blessed, on stage, by Ed Kalnins.

In 2008 Sarah Palin has been blessed, in rituals held at public events, on at least 5 different occasions, by current or former Wasilla Assembly of God pastors. These appearances represent a clear Wasilla Assembly of God endorsement of Sarah Palin as a political leader and, conversely, they also represent  Palin's endorsement of the Wasilla Assembly of God and what it teaches.

The Wasilla Assembly of God, from available records going back to 2001, based on the titles of sermons given at the church and names of guest speakers who have visited the church, heavily promotes  "Third Wave" and New Apostolic Reformation religious doctrines that were condemned as heretical and "deviant" by the General Council of The Assemblies of God, both in 1949 and in 2000. Wasilla Assembly of God current head pastor Ed Kalnins, who has publicly blessed and anointed Sarah Palin three times in the past three years, has stated that he believes key New Apostolic doctrines such as the Five-Fold Ministry and the power of believing Christians to effect miraculous healings and raise the dead.

Kalnins, in a September 2008 videotaped statement, said that Sarah Palin not only maintains friendship with with the Wasilla church but also has attended, since she officially left the church in 2002, "various conferences and special meetings" at the church.

Why did the Wasilla Assembly of God remove from its web site and from public access, in early September 2008 shortly after John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running mate, all video and audio files of events held at that church prior to October 2006 ?

Why did the Wasilla Assembly of God scrub video of Sarah Palin being blessed and anointed, October 2005, by Bishop Thomas Muthee following Muthee's speech in which he called for a Christian "infiltration" of key sectors of society ?

Why hasn't Sarah Palin been more candid with American voters concerning her religious endorsements and affiliations ? And, given Palin's track record in this area, why should Americans trust her as a national leader ?

6. On June 13th, at a conference of New Apostolic Reformation leaders including top Apostle C. Peter Wagner, Alaska Strategic Prayer Network Coordinator Mary Glazier told attendees that Sarah Palin had, at 24, joined Glazier's prayer group. At the time, Mary Glazier stated, she was working with the Alaska Independence Party to elect Walter J. Hickel in a surprise write-in campaign.

Sarah Palin's husband was registered as a voter in the Alaskan Independence Party for almost seven years, and during her governor's inaugural speech in 2006, Sarah Palin made a favorable mention of Governor Hickel. This year Palin sent an enthusiastic recorded message to the Alaskan Independence Party. Recently, a story by Journalists Max Blumenthal and Dave Neiwert has considerably strengthened the case tying Sarah Palin to the Alaskan Independence Party.

In that context, what is Sarah Palin's current relationship, if any, to Mary Glazier ?  What is Mary Glazier's relationship to the Alaskan Independence Party ?  Is Sarah Palin in Mary Glazier's "spiritual warfare" network ( now the "Strategic Prayer Network" ) ?

7. Why did Alaska Governor Sarah Palin appoint a religious warfare advocate to the Alaska State Suicide Prevention Council ?

footnote: originally, my question #1 stated that Pat Donelson was active as Carry the Cure president in 2007. Carry the Cure's tax form statement from 2007 is not yet available, so there is no definitive evidence that Donelson stepped down from his position at the end of 2006 but William Pagaran may have taken over as Carry the Cure's President for 2007.
