Sorry, Bill O'Reilly. Christians themselves started the 'War on Christmas'... in the 16th Century!
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Dec 23, 2009 at 08:50:49 AM EST
[dragging this story out of the crypts in honor of the war-on-Christmas spirit so lustily displayed by the would-be Calvinist theocrats of the 16th Century - ed]

As Talk To Action writer Frederick Clarkson observes, proclamations from Bill O'Reilly, claiming the existence of a leftist assault on Christmas, are "part of a transcendent politics of the Religious Right, and a variant of that old time McCarthism -- baiting everyone with whom they disagree as advocating a 'godless' agenda." Indeed, Billy James Hargis' Christian Crusade was making the same charges back in 1960 and much earlier in the year - in July in fact.

But how did the "War on Christmas", as a concept, originate ?

As it happens, once upon a time there was a real "War on Christmas" and it was initiated by the theocratic Christian right of its day, Swiss Calvinists and Scottish Presbyterians. Here's a short overview:

The "war on Christmas" traces back, historically, to Calvinist bans on the celebration of Christmas which began in Geneva and then migrated, with the spread of Calvinist theological views, to Scotland, where Christmas was banned in 1583. As Amy McNeese writes, in an