Are Nouveaux Moderate Evangelicals, Actually Immoderate?
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Aug 20, 2008 at 04:35:43 PM EST
In light of the recent appearance by John McCain and Barack Obama on the Rick Warren Show, this recent post seems to be timely once again. I will have more to say about this soon. -- FC

One of the buzz notions is the idea of the newly moderate evangelical. A close corollary is that the Religious Right is moderating, because the agenda is expanding.

Now of course, there have always been truly moderate evangelicals, both theologically and politically speaking.  (Some have even been Democratic presidents of the United States.) And it is also true, and interesting, that various white evangelical leaders, organizations and denominations are no longer in rabid denial about the reality and consequences of climate change and the spread of HIV/AIDS, and other matters. Of course other religious constituencies (for example, mainline Protestantism and Reform Judaism) have been at or near the forefront of responsible concern and action on these matters for a very long time, but get far less credit or attention for their good work.

The question will become whether the approaches taken by the nouveaux moderates are as helpful as they, and certain of the media, make them out to be. Has the Religious Right converted, or merely adapted to the new environment after the fashion of candidates who make miraculous campaign conversions on key issues?