McCain-Backer John Hagee lies, to Jewish Bloggers, On His Motives For Supporting Israel
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Apr 21, 2008 at 11:46:19 AM EST
On January 24, 2007 Christians United For Israel founder, Pastor John Hagee (CUFI), participated in a conference call with Jewish-American bloggers. The intent of the call was to familiarize the bloggers with CUFI and to assure them that CUFI's motives were benign.
During the conversation, one blogger asked Hagee for some help on what to tell Jewish friends of hers who questioned the motives of Hagee and CUFI. Responding to that blogger, Hagee stated, "I do not support Israel because of any eschatological concept or prophetic concept. I support them because that I have a Bible mandate to do so beginning in the Book of Genesis and neverending."

Based on a comparison of Hagee's verbal response and of literature put out by John Hagee's Cornerstone Church Magazine, most reasonable observers would conclude that Pastor John Hagee was lying. In the video posted at the end of this story, I show images, from the September/October 2006 edition of Hagee's church magazine, that featured on its cover an elaborate picture of war in the Middle East, a mushroom cloud predominating, with a title that read, "The Feud Between Two Families: World War Three Has Already Begin". Page two of that magazine featured a fund raising pitch, for Hagee's "Exodus II" project, which exhorted readers to "Become of part of Biblical Prophecy" by supplying money to "return Jewish families to their homeland."

Given the metaphorical and allegorical nature of religious language, Hagee generally has considerable wiggle room but in this case Pastor Hagee's words were directly contradicted by literature from Hagee's San Antonio Cornerstone Church Magazine, which exhorts readers to "Become a Part of The Fulfillment of Prophecy." by sending money to help Jews resettle in Israel. It is standard to Christian Apocalyptic Premillennial Dispensationalist eschatology that Jews must be encouraged to return to Israel where, according to the prophetic tradition, most of them will be killed in the Tribulation, Apocalypse and battle of Armageddon except for a "remant", generally held to number 144,000 Jews who have converted to Christianity, will survive and serve as evangelical "super-Billy Grahams" who will convert all of humanity, surviving the expected (nuclear) end-times conflict, to Christianity. The end result is that Jews, as such, and Judaism as a religion vanishes from the face of the Earth. This is known a Supercessionism, or Replacement Theology.

Billy Weber in his work, LIVING IN THE SHADOW OF THE SECOND COMING, has done research on the dark side of the movement. Weber claims that the history of crystal ball gazing Premillennialists is full of conspiracy theories basing  many of them on blaming Jews for world problems.  The Protocols of Zion was a favorite among these folks believing it fit into their suspecions about the end of the world.  Thanks for the good information here.

by wilkyjr on Tue Apr 22, 2008 at 12:08:07 PM EST
He's right. Best, BW

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Apr 22, 2008 at 03:32:10 PM EST