McCain Renounces Hagee, Hagee Withdraws His Endorsement
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu May 22, 2008 at 04:42:48 PM EST
CNN reports that John McCain, apparently trying to stanch the bleeding, has finally "renounced" the endorsement of John Hagee.  Two hours earlier, Hagee withdrew his endorsement, (details on the flip) But, CNN reports, McCain  "...added that his relationship with Hagee did not compare with Obama's lengthy association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright."

Well, actually, it is far worse, as Bruce Wilson has reported here at Talk to Action.  It is rediculous that McCain's response is reduced to comparing problematic pastors, but if that is the game, I'd say Obama wins.

John McCain and John Hagee have co-endorsed each other (multiple times). John Hagee says God sent Hitler. McCain pursued Hagee's endorsement for over a year and showed up, at Hagee's July 2007 "Christians United For Israel" event, to give a speech. In 2000, McCain said he'd 'never' solicit political support from