Ray Flynn, the Religious Right and Progressive Revival
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Aug 01, 2008 at 01:50:05 PM EST
There has been quite a flap going on ever since pastordan  took the new blog site Progressive Revival to task about a few things over at Street Prophets.

The new blog, a project of BeliefNet, is owned by conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch of Fox News fame. The site says of itself that although coming from different traditions, the writers "all are dedicated to the revival of religious progressivism and its influence in American politics." Pastordan says, among other things, that it is far more centrist than it is progressive. But whatever else the site may be, it also now home to a man who as a nominal Democrat, has in recent years headed organizations of the religious right and supported George W. Bush over Al Gore in 2000.  Among the featured writers is none other than Ray Flynn, best known as the former mayor of Boston and U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican under president Clinton.  But if you did not know about Flynn's involvements with the Religious Right, that is just the way he wants it. He leaves that part of his history out of his long Progressive Revival personal bio.  On the flip is some of what Flynn would rather you not know.