Street Prophets: Pastordan wonders why John McCain made such a big deal about Georgia being "one of the world's first nations to adopt Christianity as an official religion." Maybe it has something to do with his overt
Christian Nationalism.
The Hill: McCain won't turn down campaign contributions bundled by Ralph Reed, the former leader of Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition and notorious associate of Casino Jack Abramoff. Here is more on the flap. He will also attend campaign fundraiser on August 18th that Reed promoted in connection with the bundling solicitation.
Street Prophets: Pastordan also reports that Democratic antiabortion activists led by Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo, and one-time Christian Coalition head Joel Hunter are declaring victory regarding the Democratic Platform on abortion. Only problem is that they did not get their proposed "abortion reduction" plank, and have to settle for a semantic bone without any change in substance.
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