Rick Warren denies he's "conspiring" to "rid the world of homosexuals"
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Dec 10, 2009 at 06:34:36 PM EST
Rick Warren's missives reach over 140,000 pastors around the world and in early 2009 Warren gave the opening prayer at Barack Obama's inauguration. But the "Purpose Driven" pastor has increasingly been dogged by controversy.

Mega-pastor Warren has just released a statement condemning pending legislation, before Uganda's parliament, which critics have characterized as a "kill the gays" bill. Warren's newly stated opposition to the bill is, of course, welcome. But Warren's declaration contains blatant lies and statements that verge on the bizarre. Why does Rick Warren feel the need tell the world that he has not "conspired" with C. Peter Wagner (an under-publicized but powerful religious leader), or anyone, to "rid the world of homosexuals" ?

Warren's statement presents a list of "Key Facts Concerning Recent Media and Blog Reports on Rick Warren's Position on Uganda" which contains nine "questions," written by Warren himself, with answers written by Rick Warren too. Question #9 is, "Are you and Peter Wagner attempting to rid the world of homosexuals?" Warren answers his own question: "Absolutely not." But who has accused Warren of such an evil plan ?

Warren's statement also contains several blatan