Bishop Williamson, the Society of St. Pius X, and St. Mary's Kansas
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Mon Feb 09, 2009 at 06:18:47 PM EST
We are pleased and honored to welcome longtime journalist, researcher and human rights activist Leonard Zeskind as a guest front pager.  He is among many other things, a recipient of one of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation's "genius" awards. He is currently working on a book on the history of the white nationalism movement in the U.S. This piece is crossposted from -- FC

I am looking at a copy of the title page from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the notorious Czarist forgery that has been part of the anti-Semitic stock in trade for more than a century.  This particular edition was translated into English by “Victor E. Marsden,” and was published in 1934.  And it was “Item: 6012,” its price was listed as $5.00, and it was sold by the “Immaculata Bookstore” in St. Mary’s, Kansas in 1993.  The Immaculata Bookstore being part of  St. Mary’s Academy & College, which described itself as one of the “Traditional Catholic Schools of the Society of St. Pius X.”

This slip of paper is part of a trove of information given to me by a former devotee of the Society of St. Pius X. He had settled in St. Mary’s to worship and live as a traditional Catholic, but was disgruntled by the pervasive anti-Semitism he found
One letter, sent to “Friends and Benefactors,” from the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, Minnesota, signed by Richard Williamson—the same Bishop Williamson now so much in the news--dated June 1, 1989, argues that, “there is a great deal of hard evidence that the so-called ‘Holocaust’ (sic), for instance, is largely a myth.”

Another dated November 3, 1991, quotes passages from the infamous Protocols while commenting on the role that “vile media” had in the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas’ appointment to the Supreme Court.  In that letter, Williamson asks, “Might not women wearing trousers be contributing to this blurring and confusion of the sexes?”  More forcefully he avers: “Truly, ‘I believe in the Holy Ghost and the Communion of Saints’ has been replaced by ‘I believe in the Holo Caust (sic) and the Emancipation of Women.’”

Bishop Williamson is not the only denier found in the Society of St. Pius X.  For example, one of the members of the editorial advisory board of the Institute for Historical Review (the Holocaust-is-a-Hoax outfit), Boyd Cathey, received an advanced degree from a university associated with the Society. Cathey was also the North Carolina state chairman for Pat Buchanan’s run the Republican Party primaries in the 1990s.

Bishop Williamson’s deliberate ignorance of historical fact was most recently revealed during an interview with the Swedish media.  But he has held those same ideas for at least two decades, and they were well promulgated. The notion that Pope Benedict XVI did not know about this before taking Williamson back into the folds of the official church is simply not believable. In fact, in the late 1980s the pope, then-Cardinal Ratzinger was involved in negotiations over doctrine and organizational matters with Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the Society of St. Pius X,  according to an October 1992 edition of Fidelity, a a periodical devoted to traditional Catholicism. One of the sticking points between Ratzinger and Lefebvre at that time was whether or not the Society would accept Vatican Two doctrine, which had paved the way toward better relations between Catholics and Jews.

The Society refused to change.   And so, in St. Mary’s Kansas, the Protocols were sold in the academy’s bookstore, and quoted in letters to the faithful.  And the presiding Bishop denigrated the emancipation of women and denied historical fact with impunity.

A very obvious schism has developed in Catholic ranks, and debates over their church’s attitudes towards Jews are only one small issue.  Many Catholics have been appalled at the recent turn of events.  And there are those in the United States who argue that when the Pope demanded that Williamson recant his views of the Holocaust, the Vatican took a step away from the anti-Semites in the Society and made a step toward people who had expressed serious concerns.  Maybe so.  But in Ratzinger-Benedict’s XVI’s native Germany, Der Spiegel is having none of it. “A German Pope Disgraces the Catholic Church” was the headline of a February 4 article by its staff.  In an interview with Salomon Korn, the vice-president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Korn concludes that, “As long as Pope Benedict XVI doesn’t send a clear signal that all Catholics must support the Second Vatican Council, things simply cannot return to normal.”

And it is on that small patch of ink that the truth of the matter resides.

I am looking forward to reading your book on the white nationalist movement. Unfortunately, I was well aware of Williamson's anti-Semitic and sexist views and furious when Benedict XVI decided to lift his excommunication. As a Catholic, I am embarrassed and appalled that the Pope would welcome back a nut like Williamson. It looks very much like the Pope wants to turn his back on the progress after Vatican II.

One thing the Spiegel article points out is just how few members the SSPX has, no more than 100,000 worldwide. So Benedict wants to alienate a majority of Catholics to cater to a small splinter group? In case Benedict hasn't realized, this could have a significant negative impact on his revenues.

Also, if you haven't already, please look over Frank Cocozzelli's diaries on the Catholic right. He has very good documentation about what they've been up to.

by khughes1963 on Mon Feb 09, 2009 at 07:46:43 PM EST

If SSPX is only 100,000 worldwide, then why is the Pope even bothering?  Unless he agrees and thinks VII is heretical.

SSPX and Kansas especially is a hotbed of crazy, illustrated in Thomas Franks' "What's the Matter with Kansas?"  The chapter:  The Antipopes Among Us

"At the end of this sectarian progression lies sedevacantism, the notion that, thanks to the manifold heresies of the church since the sixties, there is no one occupying the papal throne.  
    The way David Bawden pronounces the word, in his heavy Oklahoma accent, it comes out "sadie-vaKONtist."  For all I know, that's the right way to say it.  Bawden is an expert, after all, a sedevacantist's sedevacantist.  He spent years examining the options open to a true-believing Catholic and rejecting each one.  Finally, he felt he had to take the ultimate step.  He called a papal election, and he got himself chosen pope:  Pope Michael I. Pope Michael of Kansas."

by Yankee in exile on Tue Feb 10, 2009 at 02:56:37 PM EST

The sedevacantists (Society of St. Pius V and related splinter groups) broke away from the SSPX as they view SSPX as insufficiently traditional. The SSPV uses the Tridentine Rite of Mass from the 16th century, and the SSPX uses the 1962 modified Tridentine Rite. The sedevacantists also believe the last valid Pope was Pius XII. Where they get this idea, I have no clue.  SSPX's quarrel is with Vatican II, and they broke with John Paul II in 1988 when Marcel Lefebvre decided to ordain four bishops in defiance of the Vatican. Richard Williamson was one of the four. As far as I am aware, SSPX doesn't dispute Benedict XVI is pope, although they hate the reforms of Vatican II.

SSPV runs a church in West Chester, OH (near Cincinnati) and they've associated themselves with a group called the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen. There are a variety of groups around the country, and Mel Gibson and his father Hutton are adherents to one of them. As far as I am aware, Mel & Hutton belong to one of the sedevacantist groups. Hutton has gone on record not only as a Holocaust denier, but is also critical of SSPX as insufficiently traditional.

by khughes1963 on Tue Feb 10, 2009 at 09:18:36 PM EST

one more reason to find my hometown an embarrassment.

by NancyP on Tue Feb 10, 2009 at 11:42:24 PM EST

Karl Pfeifer: Did Extreme Right Austrian Publisher Publish Ratzinger Without His Permission? on Harry's Place

by Entdinglichung on Wed Feb 11, 2009 at 05:50:43 AM EST

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