James F. Linzey Espouses anti-Semitic, White Racialist Conspiracy Theory
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Wed Jun 10, 2009 at 05:01:27 PM EST
James F. Linzey is a prominent, active duty chaplain in the United States military. Linzey has stated that he was the command chaplain for the Operation Iraqi Freedom troop mobilization prior to the US invasion of Iraq.

In 2005 Linzey went on a speaking tour, under the auspices of an entity known as the Prophecy Club. In one of Linzey's Prophecy Club talks, which was recorded and sold by the club in VHS video format, Linzey claimed that "The Rothschilds", and European bankers who all have Jewish names except for "The Rockefellers", control the US economy through the Federal Reserve and are scheming to bankrupt, and enslave through debt, the American middle class. As an article on the website of the  Jewish anti-Defamation League entitled Jewish "Control" of the Federal Reserve: A Classic Anti-Semitic Myth states,

"Most of the owners of the largest banks in America," wrote the late Sheldon Emry, an early leader of the racist and anti-Semitic `Identity" church movement, "are of Eastern European ancestry and connected with the Rothschild banks."

In the literature of bigots, the name Rothschild is a trigger for the most explosive of anti-Semitic tremors, and it usually sets off a litany of other Jewish names. In his recent book Called to Serve, Col. James "Bo" Gritz, the 1992 Presidential candidate of the extremist Populist Party, charged that "eight Jewish families control the FED" (Federal Reserve System).

In 1983, the charge that Rothschild banks and other international banking concerns, mostly with Jewish names, controlled the Federal Reserve was published (probably from earlier sources) in the newsletter of a local Pennsylvania chapter of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) -- not an extremist group. The article stated that the Federal Reserve System "is not a Federal entity but a private corporation owned in part by the following: Rothschild banks of London and Berlin, Lazard Brothers bank of Paris, Israel Moses Seif banks of Italy, Warburg bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Lehman Bros. bank of New York, Chase Manhattan bank of New York, Kuhn, Loeb bank of New York, Goldman Sachs bank of New York."

Not only did Linzey promote this classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theory in his 2005 Prophecy Club talk, Linzey even cited writing by the very Christian Identity writer noted in the ADL story, Sheldon Emry, as evidence supporting his banking conspiracy theory.

But in a series of radio show appearances Linzey made in concert with his Prophecy Club tour, Linzey went on to claim that the International bankers he said ruled America were conspiring to send a wave of 5 million Mexican and illegal alien killers across the border into the United States, to rape Caucasian American women and their teenage daughters, and kill American Caucasian men and so alter the country's ethnic and racial makeup. Linzey claimed the Mexican/illegal alien rapist/killer army would slaughter 25 million Americans in what would be a "Holocaust."

In the radio show appearances chaplain Linzey describes joining The Minutemen vigilante border patrol group, befriending Minuteman founder James Gilchrist, holding a religious service for Minutemen members, and patrolling the US/Mexico border for the Minutemen effort.

In his 2005 Prophecy Club video Linzey declared,

"Remember, the demons believe in Jesus Christ. They believe in the truth -- see that's Jesus Christ -- and they tremble. And so the demons inside these greedy world bankers are trembling that Americans would come to find the truth about what they're all about. They are as scared as little tiny mice running up and down the curtains in the cathedrals. Now, they're in the cathedrals. They're in the churches. They're controlling pulpits. That's how mainstream Protestantism has declined. Because they invaded the churches, and the mainstream Protestant churches stopped hearing the truth. So they want to squelch the truth by taking over the church. Now, this is not in my notes, but I was inspired by God because these are demonic, dastardly creatures from the pit of hell, and we need to stomp them out."

Below are transcripts from two radio shows James F. Linzey appeared on during April and March 2005.

[below: audio from James F. Linzey's appearance, April 10 2005, on the "Messiah's Branch" radio show]

Transcript, James F. Linzey, April 10 2005, "Messiah's Branch" radio.

[ goes out via Internet, satellite, and the following radio stations:

100.7 White City, Oregon
91.7 French Lick, Indiana
100.3 Kamahi, Idaho
106.1 Southern New Mexico ]

Linzey : I want Americans, I want everybody listening, to go out and buy 5 weapons and 5,000 bullets - for your own protection, for self defense. Because I believe that foreign soldiers will come to our houses, to rape our wives and teenage daughters and kill the men right in front of them - and then the women will bear children of an ethnic stock different from what they are, and that's how you alter the course of any society; you change the ethnic stock. Egypt today is not the same ethnic stock it was during the Moses days."

radio show host: "Right. Let me interject for a second. There was a farmer that live out here, and when I first moved here 12 years ago he found out I was... Uh, I guess he came across one of my newsletters or something. To make a long story short, we sat down and then he was wanting to prove a point to me about... You know, he was prejudiced and I was trying to tell him that you shouldn't be prejudiced but during our conversation he proved to me - he showed me a communist manifesto that how they said they was gonna bring America down, and that was by getting us to interbreed with other nations and get them inside the United States. And I see it in writing, from more than one source - so what you said is a very real thing. They did that to bring us down."

Linzey : "Of course, see, this whole illegal immigration thing is a ploy. It's done deliberately. It's not done by accident. This is not a matter of `Oh, they're coming over the border because they can't get a job in Mexico.' - NO. The world bankers did the same thing to Mexico that they are now doing to America. That's why they're coming up here. Now they want to make us the same ethnic group through intermarriage, and rape, and killing the Caucasians."

Now, I love the Mexicans. This is nothing against Mexicans. That's not the issue. I've been a missionary to Mexico because I love Mexicans. And, their food is great!"

host : "Yeah, I love the food too."

Linzey: "Oh, it's wonderful. Mexico's a wonderful society. This is not about `do we have love.' That's not the issue. We do have love. That's not the issue. The issue is national security, and the Federal Reserve Board has made us a communist nation."

host : "There's a article here, it says Arizona National Guard... plans  more aggressive border action... down here at the end [of the article] he says `when the Minuteman thing is over, if it doesn't work, we're going to come out here and close down the border with machine guns.' Now, that's not the right attitude, is it ?

Linzey : I believe it is. This is a matter of national security, because if we don't, what `s the outcome ? - Our wives and teenage daughters are going to be raped, our men will be shot in their homes by these aliens who are put up by the Chinese soldiers who do this. There are 5-10 thousand Chinese soldiers in Mexico right now, training Mexicans to do this very thing.

36:30 : "I've heard of a plot by communists to get 5 million aliens coming up from Mexico, not that they're all Mexicans, to invade America and to each kill 5 Americans - then you have an instant Holocaust."


James F. Linzey, Part One, "The Edge" radio show, March 12, 2005

[ http://www.theedgeam.com/guests/pastguest4.htm

The Edge is broadcast from WNTS, 1590 AM Indianapolis, and the show goes out via about a dozen affiliate radio stations in the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Argentina. ]

host : "And welcome back to the edge radio broadcast.  My name is Daniel Ott. you are listening to the edge right here at 1590 Am, broadcasting in the Indianapolis market, broadcasting and simulcasting worldwide on the internet at www.theedgeeam.com  We thank you so much everyone for tuning in tonight to listen tonight for our very, very special guest, we are so proud to bring him on our newsmaker line ....we have with us Major James Linzey... James welcome to the edge radio broadcast."

Linzey: Very honored to be here, thank you Dan

Ott: Well, I have been hearing some commercials about you because evidently you are going with the Prophecy Club,

Linzey: Yes, I have been going around with them and I have been two tours and they've invited me back for a third tour in May, I've been with Ernie Sanders on his program and Messiah's branch and numerous other radio stations as well, and television - TBN, the Church Channel, Benny Hinn Ministries, and I'll be on DayStar with Marcus Lamb on April 4 th, 11 to 12 noon central standard time.

Ott: Amazing, why don't you tell the folks a little bit about you so they will understand where you are coming from in our talk tonight.

Linzey: I was the command chaplain for the largest mobilization mission in the Continental United States for Operation Iraqi Freedom, the number one chaplain and what we did, you know, maybe some people don't understand our roles as chaplains, but we are missionaries to the military. And I served as an adviser to commanding generals on spiritual and personal needs of soldiers, marines, airman and sailors and adviser on ethics, religion, and morals. I personally shook hands for thousands of soldiers boarding the planes to go over and coming back, and prayed over their units and spoke to them while they were in their formations, spoke to their relatives in the assembly area at Fort Bliss, where Jessica lynch came back and the news media covered her at the same facility where we were.

Ott: Amazing, so you have been traveling world wide and when was that operation, when was that.

Linzey: Well, I served as the number one chaplain for this assignment for 2003 to 2004.

Ott: When you out in the field, Major, when you were over there in Iraq, was it, was what we were seeing back home what you were seeing over there.

Linzey: No, not at all. What we are doing... the American media is so one-sided. We are building a modern infrastructure and putting thousands, tens of thousands of Iraqis to work to build sewage facilities, running water, electricity, trash pickup. [3:58]


Ott: ...if what you are saying is true, wouldn't the government , if the government is any way culpable to some of these events, wouldn't they want you to not have you, say, go on a speaking tour or anywhere else, or even be on this show.

Linzey: Would they not want me to?

Ott: Yeah.

Linzey:  Well, you know, probably not. Now, but that doesn't matter. As long as I am abiding within the law and I can say I am speaking as Jim Linzey, not in my official capacity as an officer or a military chaplain, then I have prefaced it right and I can proceed.

And Colonel Jim Ammerman, he's my endorser and he knows exactly what I am doing and so, that's it.

Ott:  Why, maybe I need to press that a little more, because, I think the question still is, because we have had guest on this show that have said they've revealed things the  government has done, and they have had helicopters over their house, they have been microwaved, they've been assassinated.  We've had those claims made and I am sure you have heard maybe at least somewhere, maybe in your tour somewhere.  The question is have you been harassed in any way, or do you feel for your safety as far as if there is a conspiracy, say, to stop this information from getting out.

Linzey: Well, no, I have not been harassed like that.  Now I have been persecuted for being an evangelical chaplain as many other chaplains are also being persecuted by liturgicals, but that is a whole different issue.  But no, I am not dealing with the kinds of issues that others have been. If my life is threatened, it is probably no more threatened than yours is.  But I basically think the illegal immigration issue is threatening the lives of every American.
[end 30:48]


(Linzey is talking about his discussions with a future political leader of Pakistan including discussing why Jews wanted to stone Jesus.)

Linzey: It's relation evangelism, I've built the friendship with them and I earned  the right to share my faith with them, and that doesn't even take priority in our dialogues.  We talk about politics and political systems of government, and American and Pakistani relations.

42: 36
Ott:  Well, Major, when you are talking about satanic forces in the US government, are you talking about a Satanic demon or what do you mean when you talk about Satanic forces.

Linzey:  I talk about, I mean world bankers as one of the forces, anything that's anti-Christ, with an ulterior motive of bringing down freedom of religion, and going against the word of God.  World bankers is a Satanic force, people who are working for government, elected officials, who are communist and world banker driven - these are Satanic forces....

...My primary job as a civilian is as evangelist, a television evangelist. I've got my own television programs in the Southwest on God's Learning Channel. I'm on three days a week in the Philippines, I've been all over Europe with my teaching series on the Holy Spirit.  Illegal immigration and what we are talking about, this is not what I normally do, I just happen to have expertise on and this why Stan Johnson and the Prophecy Club invited me on tour to talk about it.


Linzey, The Edge radio show, part 2, March 12, 2005

What's wrong with the word conspiracy .  These people are conspiracists who are planning for the destruction of America, and look evangelical Christian you had better wake up and get your rear end off of the couch and start phoning your congressman, go down to Tombstone Arizona, we need five thousand people down there to make a presence.  We need to start standing up and speaking out, and stop being blind to where we finally find out about the truth of John F. Kennedy, thirty years, forty years later.

Ott: Yeah. Right now we have the opportunity, cause we can always look back, we always can decide if I was back when America had enough guts to throw the tea in the Boston Tea Party, why don't I have enough guts to oppose overtaxation, but also the policies that are undermining our very culture.

Here is a question that came in from the Fast Blast Forum.  What do you feel the American people can realistically do to solve the border issues given the forces that are arrayed against us and the fact that our political leaders are spineless.

Linzey:  Well, I think doing what Jim Gilchrist is doing and cooperating with him.  I just spoke to him two nights ago and he has become a good friend of mine.  We need to support these kinds of things. This is not actively doing something with arms, but it is going down there and saying we know that this is a problem and you are not going to  let this go on without our cognizance.  Now we can at least be doing this kind of thing to start with.

And if people in our government continue to allow this to happen, then we need to become very active and do something very - I am trying to avoid saying that we need to take up arms and go take care of  it ourselves, but it appears that we might be needing to head that way.

Ott: Wasn't it in the Constitution that this is the right of the people, when

Linzey: Yes, You look at Switzerland and every citizen is required to have arms in his home because they have no standing army and it's the most free and secure nation on earth.

We need to do the same thing.  I support the law of the land, I support the Constitution.  Let's do what it says.  Our Founding Fathers had a reason for saying that.

Ott: Does that make you a Constitutionalist?

Linzey:  A Constitutionalist?

Ott: Yes.

Linzey:  I suppose it does.

Ott: Alright, here is another question in from the Fast Blast.  Do you know how many German or Russian troops are currently on U.S. soil.

Linzey:  I don't know how many, but

Ott: Are there any?

Linzey:  Yes. The German Air Force is at Holliman Air Force Base in Almagorda New Mexico, I`ve seen them, I've seen their planes flying around way.  I was the chaplain for Cluster three under Homeland Defense for the first of the 112th armored there at White Sands Missile Range and we had 12 bases under our command and I was the command chaplain for that.  I was the acting chaplain for White Sands missile range when their chaplain had to be on leave so I advised the commanding general and went to his staff calls.  And I went to the different bases for our cluster in different states and I saw the German at Holliman Air Force base and they are also in New York.

They are also elsewhere and I don't know exactly where but I do have a diagram of where U.N. troops are based throughout America, all throughout our country.

Ott:  Would you say that these U.N. troops based in America under whatever flag, when the disturbance or whatever comes from south of the border, is that going to be their cue to join in.

Linzey:  It is very conceivable that the reason why they are here, is so that when everything breaks loose and the mud hits the fan, and we've got an invasion from the south, and American patriots who are willing to stand up and fight the aliens and the Mexican soldiers and the Chinese, there is going to be a bloodbath because all of our soldiers are over in Iraq. Our national guardsmen are over in Iraq.  We've got nothing, all we've have left are the American patriots, the militias, who have arms, three million in Texas alone, there's a lot. There will be a bloodbath and I suggest that Americans get their arms to be ready to defend themselves in their own homes when they come knocking on your doors, demanding your food, demanding your money and start raping your wives.

And the U.N. troops will be here to start patrolling the cities, the streets, the highways and we will be under basically European rule, well we already, some people say we already are. But when they are patrolling our streets, you know it is all a setup to make us lose our sovereignty and divide us into different sections so that our country is not together anymore.  That's my concern.

Ott:  Do you believe at any point there are going to be suitcase nukes or otherwise involved with this.

Linzey:  I believe that there at least twenty already planted in American cities.  When you consider the one that was confiscated over the border from Chinese soldiers.  How many more are there?  There are others who are saying that they are indeed planted already in our cities.


[Edge radio show host] "Are there detention camps in America ?"

Major James F. Linzey: "By all means. Some are left over from World War Two, I've read about them. Many have been refurbished and many new ones have been built. Now, these are not for aliens, I don't think. These are for patriots like you and me, who won't go along with the communist world banker agenda."

host: "Do you think that there is a - what I've heard called a 'red' and a 'blue' list already developed ?"

Linzey: "I'm not familiar with... excuse me, I'm ignorant on some things - what's a 'red' and a 'blue' list ?"

host: "Well, any list. You said 'you' and 'me' and, I'm sure, many of our listeners... Are we already on a list ?"

Linzey: "Many people are. I know people in very high places and I know that some are, in fact, on the government's hit list."

host: "What about the, uh... what about the suggestion that there may be guillotines out there - is that going too far, to believe reports about that ?"

Linzey: "I don't know if there are any guillotines. Why use guillotines if you can just mow them down with machine guns ?"

host: "Or gas them, yeah..."

Linzey: "Gas... oh! Oh, I have read... now, I haven't seen this in person but I have read t