Anti-Gay Marriage Pro-Prop 8 Leader Called For Antiabortion Martyrs
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Jun 02, 2009 at 08:39:43 AM EST
On Sunday May 31, 2009 Kansas City late-term abortion doctor George Tiller was gunned down in the lobby of his church allegedly by a man, Scott Roeder, who had ties to the racist wing of the militia movement. The next morning CBS's Jeff Glor reported, "We did speak with the accused shooters' ex-wife yesterday. She said she was not surprised this happened and that she believed Roeder wanted to be a martyr for the cause." The antiabortion, pro-Christian martyrdom movement of TheCall founder Lou Engle, whose personal website still features a post attacking Tiller, has up until now received little scrutiny.

At Lou Engle's November 1, 2008 pro-Proposition 8 anti-gay marriage TheCall San Diego event Engle and his disciples called for acts of Christian martyrdom against legalized abortion. In the early 1980's, KKK and Aryan Nations strategist Louis Beam helped popularize a tactic known as "leaderless resistance" in which high profile propagandists would incite terrorist acts carried out by autonomous individuals and cell groups. Lou Engle's inflammatory TheCall antiabortion rhetoric conforms with Beam's tactic; Engle merely incites.

Lou Engle appeared in the Heidi Ewing / Rachel Grady runaway hit documentary Jesus Camp. The Official documentary website states that at Becky Fischer's "Jesus Camp" summer camp, "kids are taught to become dedicated soldiers in God's army and are schooled in how to take America back for Christ." In the film, Fischer states her desire to indoctrinate the children at her camp so that they have the same level of dedication as Hamas suicide bombers. When Fischer's "Jesus Camp" children become young adults, they will gravitate toward Lou Engle's slickly marketed TheCall events, which draw between 20 and 80 thousand people per event and are held in the US and also internationally, in Kansas, San Diego, and Washington DC but also in Australia, Germany, the Philippines, Norway, England, Jerusalem and Brazil [Top, Left: Becky Fischer admires the dedication of Hamas' young suicide bombers. Top, Right: Lou Engle predicts legalized abortion will lead to a second American civil war, TheCall Kansas City, December 31, 2007. Bottom, Left: Lou Engle calls for martyrs, at TheCall San Diego, November 1, 2008. Bottom, Right: Lou Engle, at Jesus Camp, indoctrinates children as future antiabortion movement warriors.].

As Talk To Action co-founder Frederick Clarkson observes in Inflammatory Rhetoric as the Context of Assassination,
inflammatory antiabortion rhetoric that contributes to the threat and climate of violence is not limited to professional sound bite provocateurs like Randall Terry. Such rhetoric and the underlying ideology it expresses is so ingrained in the culture of the antiabortion movement, that someone like Rick Warren busily packaging himself as a moderate thinks nothing of calling abortion a Holocaust and prochoice pols as holocaust deniers. And hardly a media ripple results.
Rick Warren and Randall Terry are not the only high-profile leaders on the religious right who employ inflammatory antiabortion rhetoric. Footage from TheCall San Diego, taken November 1, 2008 by video documentarist Michael W. Wilson [author of Silhouette City] shows Engle and his disciples exhorting a Qualcomm stadium crowd to acts of Christian martyrdom against legalized abortion: rhetoric that serve as thinly veiled exhortation towards violent acts of terrorism against abortion clinics and abortion providers.

[video, below: calls for acts of martyrdom to stop legal abortion, from stage at November 1, 2008 TheCall San Diego event. See last one and 1/2 minutes of video.] During the lead up to the November 4, 2008 presidential election, Lou Engle's TheCall played an important motivational and organizational role in the passage of California's anti-gay marriage resolution Proposition Eight.

But the anti-gay marriage rhetoric of TheCall events is inevitably accompanied by inflammatory antiabortion rhetoric. Engle and his disciples have a history, going back by some reports at least to 2002, of issuing calls from onstage, before crowds of thousands at TheCall events, for acts of Christian martyrdom, antiabortion violence, to end legalized abortion in America.

Lou Engle serves on C. Peter Wagner's elite Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, part of Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation. The Call focuses on opposition to gay right and abortion rights, and Engle has repeatedly forecast that conflict over abortion rights may lead to a second American civil war.

Lou Engle operates outside of the spheres of the militia movement and traditional antiabortion movement, which journalist Frederick Clarkson described in a Southern Poverty Law Center special report, from 1998, as in the process of merging.

Through TheCall, and the studied "rainbow" New Apostolic movement embrace of most ethnic and societal groups except Jews, gays, and non-Apostolic Christians, Lou Engle is broadening the appeal of a core, non-negotiable raft of fundamentalist bigotries. This broad-tent approach to Christian supremacy is often mistaken as moderate or even progressive.

But Lou Engle is quietly mainstreaming language that was, during the 1990's and up through 2001, to be found mainly coming from the militant wing of the antiabortion movement associated with the antiabortion terrorist movement known as the Army Of God. Engle's rhetoric closely tracks that of Army of God members who, like Engle, have declared that a second American civil war will be necessary to atone for a blood-debt curse they claim God has placed on America because of legalized abortion. [below: a YouTube video, accusing pro-Prop 8 churches of antiabortion violence, shows footage from 2001 HBO documentary about the Army of God]

Less than a year and a half ago Lou Engle, at a December 31, 2007 TheCall event held in Kansas City, announced his new doctrine, "The Doctrine of The Shedding of Innocent Blood",

"Surely blood requires blood in God's judgment. God so highly values humanity that He protects it with His severe judgment. A day of reckoning is set if man does not obey Him... Where there is shedding of innocent blood, there is no atonement for the land. There is a blood pollution problem on America's soil. The most "dangerous terrorist" is not Islam, but God. One of God's names is "the Avenger of Blood." Have you worshipped [sic] that God yet?"

[Below: footage from TheCall Kansas City, December 31, 2007, in which TheCall founder Lou Engle explains "The Doctrine of the Shedding of Innocent Blood" and predicts a second civil war because of legalized abortion.]

In his book Sons To Glory, Paul Jablonoskwi, who is sympathetic to Engle's cause, described a 2002 Kansas City TheCall event,

"what I witnessed in Bartle Hall on December 31st 2002 was the antithesis of radical Islam. Instead of people wanting to blow themselves up to kill others, I saw young adults who were so radically in love with Jesus that they were willing to become martyrs for the sake of saving other people's lives. Someone from the stage asked, 'who here feels like they are called to die as a martyr for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ?' Many hands went up throughout the stadium."

Analysis of the roots of such acts of antiabortion terrorism have focused on high profile antiabortion movement organizations such as Operation Rescue, and the ideological impetus behind the movement has been ascribed to ideas emanating from the Christian Reconstructionism movement. But Lou Engle's religious tendency, the New Apostolic Reformation, which claims Sarah Palin as a member and traces back to the Latter Rain revival of the late 1940's, has also fed the rise of the antiabortion movement and the white supremacist wing of the militia movement, and it has also heavily influenced contemporary incarnations of Christian Zionism.

But Lou Engle's religious tendency, the New Apostolic Reformation, which claims Sarah Palin as a member and traces back to the Latter Rain hcg drops

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by antichero on Mon Jul 16, 2012 at 06:51:30 AM EST

TheCall events, which draw between 20 and 80 thousand people per event and are held in the US and also internationally, in Kansas, San Diego, and Washington DC but also in Australia,

by volf698 on Sun Jul 22, 2012 at 07:31:11 PM EST

Warren busily packaging himself as a moderate thinks nothing of calling abortion a Holocaust and prochoice pols as holocaust deniers. And hardly a media ripple results.https:/

by volf698 on Tue Jul 24, 2012 at 06:20:15 AM EST

In his book Sons To Glory, Paul Jablonoskwi, who is sympathetic to Engle's cause, described a 2002 Kansas City TheCall event,frutas y verduras a domicilio

by jacus on Wed Jul 25, 2012 at 02:11:53 PM EST

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