Islam-Bashing Bigots Train Counterterrorism Agents
Chip Berlet printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Dec 21, 2010 at 07:41:57 AM EST
"Kill them...including the children."

That's how to solve the threat of militant Muslims?

This quote is from what one official involved in homeland security said was the theme of a speech by Walid Shoebat at an anti-terrorism training in Las Vegas in October 2010.

Our source had turned around after Shoebat's speech and asked the woman in the chair behind them at the conference what she thought was the solution offered by Shoebat.

"Kill them...including the heard him," was the full response.

Shoebat's Las Vegas speech was described by our source as "frightening."

Bigoted trainers including Shoebat are highlighted in a Washington Post article on "Monitoring America." Much of this information is new. Some of it was previously documented in a PRA Report, "Platform for Prejudice."

Shoebat and the larger issue of how "Right-Wing Firms Train Public Servants on Terror Threats" is the topic of a new report to be issued in January by Political Research Associates (where I work). OK, not credited for our work by the Washington Post and then partially scooped on this topic just as we are about to release our report. Sigh. That's real life. Back to Shoebat.

George D. Little, Director of the Institute for Criminal Justice Studies (ICJS) at Texas State University, in San Marcos, TX, also attended the Shoebat speech at the Las Vegas training. When first contacted by e-mail after the ICTOA conference, Little responded "I believe there are good Muslims like there are bad ones just like there are good Christians and bad ones." Little, however, dodged repeated questions about what he specifically thought of the content of Shoebat's speech, and now refuses to comment altogether.

Shoebat is popular in Texas, having helped organize an anti-Islamic event near Fort Hood; spoken at an evangelical church; and conducted a statewide law enforcement training, "Preparing Law Enforcement Executives for the Future," co-sponsored by the state's Attorney General, Greg Abbott. Shoebat is also periodically interviewed as an expert on Islam on Fox News and is extensively quoted by the right-wing conspiracy website, World Net Daily.

Another Las Vegas conference attendee, Edwin Urie, praised Mr. Shoebat's ICTOA speech. "From my perspective, Mr. Shoebat's presentation was so much on the mark, so specific, and so correct that I was concerned that he would be the target of those about whom he spoke. Maybe the objections are merely a part of that," wrote Urie in an e-mail. Urie is an adjunct professor at Henley-Putnam University and a specialist in counterrorism.

Watchdogs like Bartholomew and several Muslim and human rights groups have been complaining about this problem for some time.

Last month on HuffPost I wrote about Shoebat and his allies, and included the next two paragraphs.

Shoebat has said that "Islam is not the religion of God -- Islam is the devil." According to religion writer Richard Bartholomew, "Shoebat is a pseudo-expert on terrorism, Islamic extremism, and Biblical prophecy, and he teaches that Obama is a secret Muslim and that the Bible has prophesised a Muslim anti-Christ." This means for some apocalyptic Christians that Muslims then would be allies of Satan in the End Times battle between good and evil. This battle ends when Jesus returns and with a vengeful God kills all these deemed to be non-believers in Christianity. This bloody and bigoted version of apocalyptic prophesies is rejected and condemned by the Catholic and Orthodox churches and every major Protestant denomination.

Abdus Sattar Ghazali wrote about Shoebat and other anti-Islamic bigots on the website of Muslim Military Members, an organization that serves as a network for Muslims serving in the US Armed Forces. "Walid Shoebat has built a lucrative speaking career by manipulating the fears and whipping up hatred between Jews and Muslims," wrote Ghazali.

Keith Davies, Director of the Walid Shoebat Foundation, disagrees. Davies claims that the Islamic "definition of Jihad quoted in Sharia law is clear and means struggle but is used in context of holy war to conquer infidels."

Davies continues:

This is the standard interpretation recognized by all schools of thought in Sunni and Shia Islam." [Not] every Muslim practices his religion to the letter but all that do are required to practice Jihad....So if say for argument 10% of Muslims actually practice their religion properly ( figure is probably much higher) that would be 150 million terrorists. Even if it were 1% that is 1.5 million terrorists.
This interpretation of Islamic Law and its religious demands is an outlandish distortion; and yet it is being taught to our homeland security personnel. Davies, disagrees with me, and had a suggestion for me. Wrote Davies, "If you hate this country and its constitutional values of individual freedom and respect Islamic people so much, maybe Saudi Arabia could be a good place for you to live...."

Shoebat's speech in Las Vegas was sponsored by the International Counter Terrorism Officers Association (ICTOA). Michael Riker, president of the ICTOA, said that "Numerous public safety personnel along with military personnel heard from Walid Shoebat" at the event. Then Riker defended Shoebat's bigoted tirade in a comment to my earlier Huffpost article (it's near the earliest).

What you hear from Walid is the TRUTH. The attendees were glued to what [Shoebat] had to say and the majority of them agreed. The liberal media is afraid to hear what the truth really is. Who has been planning attacks on our country? We are in a war of ideology and if you don't know that you need to get you head out of the sand. Before you make judgment see what is really going on then make an educated decision for yourself.
Federal and state agencies have turned to right-wing "experts" on "subversion" throughout U.S. history. These experts have included informers who have surfaced to spin their tales in public; or converts who claim to have been involved in skullduggery and now are sounding the alarm. In both cases, the alarmist stories these self-dramatizing demagogues tell tend to be exaggerated or even invented.

The fear that there is a conspiracy to undermine the government emerges periodically throughout our history as a nation. This hunt for an exaggerated subversive enemy "Other" is dubbed a "countersubversion" panic.

One government official involved in deporting thousands of innocent Italians and Russians during the "Palmer Raids" panic in the 1920s described it as a "delirium." Most of us just call it a "Witch Hunt." Whatever we call it, this countersubversion tendency has fueled episodes of political repression by government agencies and right-wing "patriotic" groups.

Shoebat may be the most outlandish example of the coterie of anti-Islamic bigots and fear mongers who are training law enforcement officials and anti-terrorism agents, but the problem is corrosive. Why are tax dollars being spent to peddle prejudice against Muslims in the United States? The Washington Post report will get much needed attention drawn to this matter. The upcoming report by Cincotta documents the problem in even greater detail.

The solution will depend on a thorough and public review of this sad situation by government officials, elected representatives, a vigilant media, and public outrage.

More details from Political Research Associates here

Other Talk to Action writers have covered this story before, including Richard Bartholomew, Chris Rodda, Rachel Tabachnick, Bruce Wilson, Eileen Fleming, and Fred Clarkson-- find the posts by clicking here.

[Originally filed on Huffington Post]

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In the original post a typo snagged the name Edwin Urie. Apologies. -cb

"What you hear from Walid is the TRUTH. The attendees were glued to what [Shoebat] had to say and the majority of them agreed."

One of their more effective tactics is to play to people's prejudices and stereotypes.  The majority of them probably agreed -if they really did- because it fed their bigotry instead of countering it.  I see this in action all the time, and recent research indicates that when peoples prejudices and stereotypes are reinforced, they experience a stimulation of the 'pleasure center' of their brain.  I am sure that Shoebat and the dominionists know this, and are deliberately using it (although they've been using it for generations).

I also laugh at their description of the media as "liberal".  Not so.  The "media" is just as conservative as they are, it just isn't so overt.  Content and discourse analysis reveals that the media in this country support Big Business, racist attitudes, and the rich by the things they report and the things they don't - and by careful wording of the reports (in other words, supporting the status quo as much as they can get away with).   For instance, the reporting on the Jena Six situation was so distorted that most people got the wrong idea about what happened - the fact is, the only non-involved (and adult) eyewitness to the "beating" that Bell supposedly gave to the (n-word-using and verbally abusive) white boy said that Bell wasn't even involved!!!  Most people haven't heard that.   When I compared the official testimony and records to what is reported, it was shocking.  Even the most accurate reporting (on NPR) was still rather inaccurate and left a lot out.

There has been a fair amount of research on the inaccuracies and conservative/elite bias in the 'media'.  Once you learn what to look for, it becomes rather obvious.  I use the Jena Six situation as an example because it's work I did myself (as of yet an unpublished paper).  My background reading for the research revealed a big problem with conservative bias that is fairly well documented.

Anyway, this all is really frightening.  They are teaching law enforcement this stuff?  I know it's going around dominionist circles and they're eating it up... but those who have been given some form of authority over the rest of us?  Law enforcement (based upon my observations, those of colleagues and friends, and reported incidents) has enough problems with abuse and violation of people's rights, and this will only exasperate things.  I just wonder if they've been doing things like this in this county or in this area.

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Dec 21, 2010 at 12:08:25 PM EST

So lots of looking the other way going on.
_ _ _

Chip Berlet: Research for Progress - Building Human Rights
by Chip Berlet on Tue Dec 21, 2010 at 02:20:27 PM EST
And this looking the other way from things going on right in front of us takes place in many sectors.  People express such shock and surprise when government officials and law enforcement officers define terrorism with a brush so broad it can include the idea that the president is a Muslim when he is not, and therefore a terrorist because that's what all Muslims are.

That so many otherwise sensible people turn a blind eye to the role of Shoebat and his ilk is an excellent case example of how we allow things to go wrong; and then are surprised.  

by Frederick Clarkson on Tue Dec 21, 2010 at 09:49:01 PM EST

I knew that he was TRYING to teach his anti-Muslim stuff, and I knew that he was known for some really crazy rhetoric and claims, but to be teaching stuff like "Kill them...including the children" and so on... to police who are supposed to know better... and it sounds like it's been spreading.

I thought he had been exposed and took a low profile.  Maybe I misunderstood.

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Dec 21, 2010 at 11:07:59 PM EST

The quote "Kill them...including the children" was a summary of his main theme from an audience member, not a direct quote from Shoebat.
_ _ _

Chip Berlet: Research for Progress - Building Human Rights
by Chip Berlet on Wed Jan 05, 2011 at 06:33:15 PM EST

Using anti-Muslim ideologues to train anti-terrorism agents reminds me of the "cult cops" phenomenon in the 1980s and 1990s whereby so-called "cult cops" set themselves up as alleged experts on nonexistent Satanic "cults." Of course, many of them were members of what we now call the Christian Right. These self-styled experts won't be happy unless Muslims in the United States are locked up as were Japanese-Americans during World War II, or worse, killed.

by khughes1963 on Tue Dec 21, 2010 at 02:25:41 PM EST
You're not the only one who has noticed parallels between Shoebat's "ex-Muslim"/"ex-terrorist" claims and the "Satanic panic" of the 1980's.  A couple of years ago, Richard Bartholomew wrote a post about Shoebat, The Jihad Seller, apparently an allusion to The Satan-Seller, the infamous book by "ex-Satanist" Mike Warnke.

by Diane Vera on Mon Dec 27, 2010 at 01:03:29 AM EST

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