Hal Lindsey Implies the Need for Arab Detention Camps
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Mon Feb 08, 2010 at 09:22:25 AM EST
The Feb. 6, 2010 Hal Lindsey Report had its usual hard right slant to current events.  It is quickly noted that Lindsey is not a friend of the current administration in the nation.  He has a long history of attacking President Obama and often complains that the President has a secret agenda to harm the Christian faith.
     On Saturday Hal Lindsey caught us up on our history lessons.  He reminded us that after Pearl Harbor in 1941, the government set up detention camps for American Japanese citizens.  Lindsey politely excused imself, then insinuated we ought to consider doing the same things with the followers of Islam in the nation.  He reminded us that in the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan targeted miliitary settlements.  In 9/11, the terrorists attacked citizens, thus they were committing an even graver assault on America.
     Lindsey , who has been divorced and married at least four times, lamented the "insane restrictions today" placed on government officials who desire to defend the nation against Muslims.  He repeated his theme that we were too politically correct.  He has stated that Obama wants to make Islam the official religion of the country.  Hal went on to condemn our government for not using torture, although he stopoped short of using the word.  He blamed a "liberal