The Other Reason for Cutting Graham from Pentagon Event, and MRFF's Other Demand
As stated in MRFF's letter:
MRFF was already working on addressing another National Day of Prayer issue when we were contacted by the members of the Muslim worship community at the Pentagon requesting our help regarding Franklin Graham. This other issue is the scheduled participation of military personnel (i.e., military color guards and military bands) in other official NDPTF events across the country. This participation is not only in violation of the same military regulations cited above regarding non-federal entities, but DoD and individual service branch regulations on uniform wear. And, of course, there's also that pesky constitutional issue of the military's endorsement of a particular religion by participating in NDPTF events. The NDPTF's message is very clear -- no non-Christians need apply. To begin with, all NDPTF volunteers must subscribe to the following "Statement of Belief," a statement which excludes all non-Christians and non-religious, and even many Christians.
NDPTF event coordinators must also agree, by subscribing to the following statement, to restrict any participation beyond simply attending an event to Christians only.
The NDPTF actually has an "Official Policy Statement on Participation of 'Non-Judeo-Christian' groups in the National Day of Prayer," which states:
While the NDPTF, of course, has every right, as a private organization, to organize exclusively Christian events and prohibit the participation of non-Christians, the U.S. military cannot endorse these events by its participation in them. Therefore, MRFF will be sending a letter to the Secretary of Defense officially demanding that military participation in any NDPTF event be prohibited.
The Other Reason for Cutting Graham from Pentagon Event, and MRFF's Other Demand | 5 comments (5 topical, 0 hidden)
The Other Reason for Cutting Graham from Pentagon Event, and MRFF's Other Demand | 5 comments (5 topical, 0 hidden)