Netanyahu Admits To Blocking Peace Process. Meet His Anti-Semitic American Ally
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Aug 25, 2010 at 10:57:16 AM EST
Will the recently released video showing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stating that he conspired, against US President Bill Clinton, to undermine the Oslo Accords have the sort of political blowback it truly ought to have ? Shot nine years ago, the video shows Netanyahu boasting that he destroyed the peace process and stating, "America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction... They won't get in our way ... Eighty per cent of the Americans support us. It's absurd."

The video has the potential to undermine Netanyahu's credibility in the US but there's another aspect to the story that could undermine Bibi Netanyahu's credibility with Jews in Israel and internationally - Netanyahu's key, close ally in undermining peace negotiations, Christians United For Israel founder and head John Hagee, has a ugly history of distributing, on a global scale, vile anti-Jewish propaganda including Adolf Hitler's favorite conspiracy theory, the canard that Jewish bankers rule the world.

While the newly released Netanyahu video footage leaves little doubt of Prime Mininster Netanyahu's complicity in blocking peace efforts, there's additional compelling evidence bolstering the case, as Talk To Action contributor Rachel Tabachnick outlined in Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and John Hagee Share Stage as Biden Arrives in Israel, and Netanyahu and Hagee, Serial Obstructionists, Benjamin Netanyahu and Christian Zionist leader John Hagee have twice appeared together, while US presidents were mounting high-profile efforts to jump start the peace process, at highly public events during which the two men demonstrated blatant contempt for and hostility towards peace efforts.

In 1998, en route to a meeting with Bill Clinton concerning the peace process Netanyahu stopped off first at a Christian Zionist rally at which John Hagee led a crowd in chanting "not one inch" (no land for peace). In 2010 the night Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Israel in an Obama Administration bid to rekindle the peace process Hagee and Netanyahu appeared together at Jerusalem rally which showcased donations from Hagee's ministry to Jewish settlements on the West Bank that are helping to undermine any possibility of peace.

In a July 15, 2010 Ha'aretz column, Gideon Levy blasted Bibi Netanyahu as a "con artist" and, given the evidence, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that Netanyahu has been deeply duplicitous in his dealings with American presidents. But Netanyahu's alliance with John Hagee adds an additional dimension that should deeply trouble Jewish audiences.

While longtime White House Press Club member Helen Thomas was recently forced to resign for a statement perceived as anti-Semitic, the current leader of the state of Israel has enjoyed a long alliance with a Christian leader who promotes anti-Semitism on a scale that neo-Nazis could only dream. During the 2008 US presidential election John Hagee became a political liability for John McCain when Hagee's claim that "God sent a hunter... Hitler was a hunter" came to light. But Hagee has said far worse (see: Hagee vs. Hagee: In His Own Words.)  

There are no questions as to the facts - the Anti Defamation League calls the claim that Rothschild bankers control American and and international finance A Classic Anti-Semitic Myth, and in 2003 Hagee broadcast that very claim over Christian networks which reach tens of millions (at least) around the globe. Hagee's Ministry then mass marketed Hagee's anti-Semitic propaganda in videocassette form, as part of a three-sermon set.

In a short video documentary that I produced and released in June 2008, I demonstrated that Hagee's conspiracy theory was virtually indistinguishable from claims made in the most effective anti-Jewish propaganda film of all time, produced under the close supervision of Hitler's propagandist Joseph Goebbels, allegedly with the support and backing of the Fuehrer himself.

As a recent study by Swiss scientists has revealed, 10 financial entities have controlling interest in about 80% of stocks in 48 countries worldwide, but none of the Jewish banking firms traditionally cited in anti-Semitic literature, such as Rothschild financial entities, are on on the list. Seven are American firms and the rest are based in the UK, France, and Switzerland ( PDF of Science News article.)

Have you come across any serious discussion of this issue by prominent Jewish allies of christian zionists, like Eli Weisel or others, where they directly explain their thinking and respond to this sort of criticism. I'm not thinking of partisan politicians like Netanyahu, but more about presumably morally grounded individuals like Weisel. I know his organization has received money from Hagee...but I wonder how does he explain himself. It's an alliance based on ultimate cynicism I guess where each side thinks they have the upper hand.

by marktypos on Sun Jul 25, 2010 at 11:47:53 AM EST

I didn't know Elie Wiesel's organization receives money from Hagee, but that only makes the connection that much more disturbing.  There is no way he doesn't know what Hagee's real agenda is--how could he ever bring himself to accept money from that source?  It compromises the credibility of a lifetime spent bearing witness to human evil, and specifically to the evil fruit of Christian anti-Semitism.  I would love to see Elie Wiesel make a public statement to a Jewish organization explaining the reasons for this incomprehensible and very disturbing alliance.

by Raksha on Sun Jul 25, 2010 at 02:33:36 PM EST

Not that it would affect American politics in the slightest, but it would be amusing to show the Netanyahu video to focus groups of Tea Partiers to see if they were offended by his boasting of screwing over America, or enthusiastic. If they're enthusiastic, I guess their claim that they only intend to overthrow our government in favor of true "patriots" goes down the toilet. Netanyahu and Hagee are leaders of a conquering tribe who reject legal and moral definitions of citizenship and fitness to vote, and even legitimate national boundaries, in favor of an eternal march to global domination and exploitation.

by super390 on Sun Jul 25, 2010 at 06:25:54 PM EST

This alliance is the ultimate cynical culture of death. From Hagee's point of view if the NAR and it's lackeys can't dominate for Jesus they will cheerfully exterminate for Jesus. Netanyahu has to know this, but probably thinks his version of the Jewish God won't let that happen and he is perfectly happy to take Hagee's money. In the meantime the world is held hostage to this 'my god is bigger than your god' type of penile thinking and games playing.

by colkoch on Mon Jul 26, 2010 at 08:56:59 AM EST

b"h                                                        z"a

No, Bruce. What you now demonstrate begins to become an Anti-Semitic form of politics.  

Hagee sets his "religious" footprint expressed in terms of Christianity;  which at core seeks to "replace" the Jew.

Netanyahu is a politician; not a "preacher''. He is a Jew, fighting to best preserve The Jewish State Of Yisra'el under terms of conflict which have never ceased;  which terms have always been and continue to be demanded destruction of said Jewish State Of Yisra'el.

I have suggested better material.  

The U.S. Constitution, strategically diverted away from "original intent" between the years of "1890-1910", CREATED Government of The U.S.A. into A "Christian Nation";  

Hagee -- as consummate Christian "preacher" --actually represents America according to "Holy Trinity", decided in "1892".  

Remember the Public displays of:
Anti-Semitic Ten Commandments, Christian Crosses, Gammadion/Swastikas and all.  

Until you and the chummy clique at begin addressing Constitutional violations; while better learning about Int'l politics; cozy Christian "replacement" theologists like Hagee will continue to dominate culture of America.

Try listening to words & viewing historic events within the historic context during which such words & events were spoken and enacted.

Try to avoid hearing through ears of what you think might be politic; or "agenda" -- orthodox, progressive, retrogressive, liberal, conservative or all wet.

As bonifide member of the endangered species known as Jew, within the per centage context of definition applied,  I cordially invite you for a visit, my dearest Bruce.  

Our home is open to you.


by avrahaum on Mon Jul 26, 2010 at 09:04:33 AM EST

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