Atlanta Pastor Solicits $ For Co-Author of Uganda's "Kill The Gays" Bill
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon May 09, 2011 at 10:59:08 AM EST
[note: I'm re-posting this story because the Ugandan Parliament may this week be fast-tracking the so-called "kill the gays" bill for a vote. Since 2010, Pastor Fred Hartley of the Lilburn Alliance Church has been fund-raising for the ministry of Julius Oyet, one of the professed co-authors of the bill, which would make homosexuality punishable (for various reasons) by death, as well as force health professionals and Ugandan citizens generally to turn in to authorities all Ugandans suspected of committing homosexual acts.]
"Lord, teach us to pray," begins COP International President Hartley... Next, we see an African infant on a blanket, blankly staring, belly distended. Then a plaintive little girl's voice peeps, "We children are suffering here in Africa. Heal us from the AIDS epidemic." So your church's cash dollars will save the children? Well, no...
Does it amount to a money pitch for attempted genocide? Some might say yes. But let's start here:

Standing in his book-lined office Fred Hartley III, the spiffy can-do pastor of the Atlanta-area Lilburn Alliance Church whose chiseled features and peppery close cropped hair could win him a Hollywood role playing a drill Sargent, enthuses, "Today, I want to welcome you to the world of the College of Prayer and introduce you to some of God's most dynamic leaders around the globe."

Up first is COP's cheerful Ugandan star, born-again potentate Julius Oyet--who openly advocates the execution of homosexuals and has helped to launch a bill that appears designed to categorically legislate Uganda's gay citizens out of existence, but the fund raising pitch doesn't mention those aspects. Rather, Oyet needs more money so he can teach other Ugandans to pray: properly, that is. [update: on April 1-2, 2011, two colleagues of Oyet's, Pat Francis and Os Hillman, will be speaking at a conference at Harvard University.]

[College of Prayer fund raising video, below: the bogus "save the children!" theme comes in at ~1:00. Then Fred Hartley III introduces Julius Oyet, professed "kill the gays" bill co-author, who shows up at ~1:36. The fund raising pitch comes later in the video.]

In late October 2009, two weeks after Ugandan MP David Bahati initiated the parliamentary process that could bring to a vote his eliminationist Anti Homosexuality Bill, a bill that many critics call genocidal, College of Prayer International President Fred Hartley III led a two-day COP training session to "mentor" Bahati and 50 other members of parliament.

He warned them to stay away from witchcraft, "told the MPs that if they prayed in line with the Kingdom of God they would be able to cast out demons," and picked out eight parliament members, including David Bahati, to personally mentor for three years as part of College of Prayer Uganda's "servant leadership team," according to the Ugandan news service New Vision. "You have to confront the enemy, Satan, using God's authority," Fred Hartley told his Ugandan pupils.

COP Uganda President Julius Oyet, friend to the President and First Lady of Uganda who says he's co-written the Anti Homosexuality Bill along with Bahati, is more direct. At a Kampala rally filmed by the BBC six months after Hartley's parliamentary COP training, evangelist Oyet declared, "It is not Uganda putting a death sentence on homosexuals, it is God and his word!" Oyet led his audience in repeated chants of, "No to sodomy! No to sodomy! NO to sodomy!," and opined, "Even animals are wiser than homosexuals!"

Returning home to the US, Hartley described his 2009 COP Uganda training in a November 27, 2009 radio show appearance,

I was with the members of parliament and had a marvelous time, these are dear brothers and sisters in Christ and they are in earnest about righteousness and the cause of Christ and the amazing thing is they are standing for righteousness in areas that where we have long ago sold ourselves down the river but they're looking to us for spiritual mentoring to, that they - as kings and queens so to speak - can stand in kingdom alignment and operate according to Biblical principles in their spheres of influence. And it's a great honor to serve them.

What more could Hartley do to serve the would-be architects and backers of a bill that would execute or imprison an entire sector of Ugandan society? Aha! - A fund raising video. Currently posted on the College of Prayer website, a 5:40 video ad encourages churches to financially partner with COP so that its international chapters can train more pastors, politicians, and business leaders.

The College Of Prayer's Fund Raising Ad

"Lord, teach us to pray," begins COP International President Hartley...

Next, we see an African infant on a blanket, blankly staring, belly distended. Then a plaintive little girl's voice peeps, "We children are suffering here in Africa. Heal us from the AIDS epidemic." So your church's cash dollars will save the children? Well, no.

"It broke our hearts last year," mourns Fred Hartley III, "when we got news from Uganda." Oyet explains - "We still had to turn away over 3,000 pastors who could not come [to the College of Prayer] because we had... we did not have sufficient funds."

Hartley and Oyet are sad about the funding. Perhaps some generous church could lend a hand? Meanwhile, some Ugandans, especially if they are gay, are heartbroken at the increasingly violent homophobic climate in their country--which Oyet, Bahati, and Hartley are helping provoke.

As a Ugandan born-again Christian and gay activist told Boise Weekly, for a September 2010 feature story "They are planning to kill or panga [machete] us. We have been running from house to house because when a neighborhood learns about your orientation, then you should expect mob justice anytime."

Back to the ad. After the talk of funding woe, Hartley pitches the question - "Won't you step up, won't you partner with the College Of Prayer, in a strategic ministry? We have a niche... continents are asking to be trained in prayer, specific nations are asking to be trained in prayer."

Hartley may not be boasting. In his November 2009 radio show appearance the Lilburn Alliance Church pastor stated that his COP International has received queries on doing mass trainings in Thailand, Indonesia, and China.

"What we do in the College of Prayer is, we lead in high worship," says Hartley, ticking off the talking points with his fingers one by one, "deep repentance, confession of sin, and freedom from demonic strongholds," he pauses, "to be filled with the holy spirit, and then to be empowered for ministry to go back into our village to reach people for the gospel of Christ."

It sounds very wholesome, especially omitting the apparent dedication of COP Uganda members to a bill that would execute and imprison gays for life, and impose an Orwellian police state to rival North Korea--in which every citizen by law is a government informant.

Media coverage of the bill has focused almost exclusively on Ugandan MP David Bahati, who has taken the lead promoting the bill in Parliament but as powerful evangelist Julius Oyet told French journalist Dominique Mesmin, in an interview for Mesmin's soon to be released video documentary Uganda: Killing In The Name..., "I have been part of the brains behind it. We worked on it. We planned who should propose it... I worked with Bahati on this."

Julius Oyet is a leader and apostle in a charismatic evangelical movement, virulently antigay, born in the United States, pioneered in Argentina, that is in the vanguard of antigay activism globally. As Oyet told Mesmin, in a March 2010 interview,

"We have infiltrated and successfully utilized the weapons of the media to bring our belief system into the grassroots of our society."

Julius Peter Oyet has held top leadership positions in Uganda's two major, government recognized born-again umbrella associations. And Oyet has enjoyed close ties to Uganda's President and First Lady going back close to a decade at the very least. There's reason for such favor.

Ugandan born again Christians have represented a crucial block of support for president Yoweri Museveni and in 2006, while Oyet was General Secretary of National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches, the Fellowship supported Museveni's legal bid to change the Ugandan constitution so he could run again for a third presidential term.

US and international media focus on the Uganda Anti Homosexuality bill has centered on David Bahati, and that has obscured the fact that antigay hatred has been incited from the pinnacle of Ugandan government, by President Yoweri Museveni, who in 1999 stated that homosexuals should be rounded up and imprisoned, and by First Lady Janet Museveni as well. At the August 2010 National Youth Convention at Uganda's leading Makerere University, Janet Museveni told assembled students,

"In God's word, homosexuality attracts a curse, but now people are engaging in it and saying they are created that way. It is for money The devil is stoking fires to destroy our nation and those taking advantage are doing so because our people are poor."

Janet Museveni was referencing a conspiracy theory, now endemic to Uganda, which holds that homosexuality is a Western and American colonial import being insinuated into Ugandan society by wealthy homosexual operatives who bribe Ugandan youth with cash and consumer goods to engage in gay sex.

The reality is very different. Uganda's anti-homosexuality craze is in a sense a Western ideological re-colonization of Uganda, and both Julius Oyet and Janet Museveni are at the tip of the spear.

Julius Oyet is not only close to the Musevenis. This is my first installment in a series that will explore the enormous influence that C. Peter Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation exerts in Uganda. Oyet has become a leader in this movement and can be found at rallies in Uganda and conferences on at least four different continents with its apostles, prophets, and operatives. And, Wagner's apostles are carrying out the mass indoctrination of Ugandan pastors.

Here is some background, a 20-minute mini-documentary I did last year, which was cited in Congressional testimony concerning the Ugandan Anti Homosexuality Bill and related matters:

Here's some useful background to this story: Christian and Missionary Alliance pastor Fred Hartley III, president of College of Prayer International, is slated to be the prayer and worship leader at the CMA's yearly General Council meeting, this May 2011. Bishop Julius Oyet, Hartley's colleague, president of College of Prayer Uganda, and professed co-author of Uganda's "kill the gays bill", is also the star of the 2005 Spiritual Mapping video An Unconventional War, by George Otis, Jr. Produced with the help of Yoweri Museveni and his personal media team, the video depicts Julius Oyet supernaturally defeating the brutal Lord's Reformation Army, which had been preying on Northern Uganda's Acholi tribespeople. But a recently surfaced memo, alleged to have been written by President Museveni, describes an intended plot to carry out a government campaign of genocide against the Acholi. Critics have for years accused Museveni's regime of doing just that, by driving up to 2 million of the Acholi into concentration camps. One of Museveni's opponents in the upcoming 2011 presidential election has now publicly accused Museveni of genocide against the Acholi.

Thus Julius Oyet is potentially implicated in not one but two genocides in Uganda. If the alleged memo is real, it incriminates Oyet in the production of government-sponsored propaganda, George Otis, Jr.'s video "An Unconventional War", that would seem to support the alleged government cover up. The second genocide, pending, may occur if Uganda's Anti Homosexuality Bill is passed by Uganda's parliament.

related story: As described in a new Talk To Action story, one of the Christian and Missionary Alliance's chaplains in the U.S. Army helped write the Army's new, controversial "Spiritual Fitness" doctrine that's being forcibly imposed, by some accounts, on U.S. Army soldiers.

See "Bios of American and Uganda Leaders in Transforming Uganda" at  to aid in keeping track of who's who in Bruce Wilson's video. These are short bios of major figures in the video in order of their appearance.

Also note that Uganda has a presidential election coming up on February 18.  Museveni has been in power since 1986.  His main opposition is Kizza Besigye who stated on Monday that the country's police "have more pressing tasks than investigating homosexuality and suggested he would decriminalize the practice if elected."

by Rachel Tabachnick on Tue Jan 11, 2011 at 06:48:22 PM EST

This post on the kill the gay bill proved to be a good read. The post helped me to understand on the details of the bill. I am so thankful to the site for this. Thank you for sharing Man bun

by dona on Mon Feb 22, 2016 at 11:46:23 PM EST

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