Tony Campolo and the Future of the Religious Right
Tony stated " ...Religious Right Evangelicals who will dominate both the image and practices representing Christianity to the general public for the next 50 years." Campolo lists two reasons why the movement will continue to flourish. For one, the financial means and technological known-how are in place and well organized. He wrote there are more than 1500 radio stations who promote the agenda of the Religious Right in the nation. Also on board is the National Religious Broadcasters which is consistently bashing President Obama and promoting an economic agenda championed by the right. Tony names Fox News commentators as obvious brokers in the national hysteria. The professor claims many pastors across the nation have been silenced when they attempted to speak out against the likes of the religious movement. Some have been forced from their pulpits when their views did not coincide with that of Christian talk radio. (Tony evidently doesn't think it is that Christian.) The second reason given is the fact that laypersons connected to the Religious Right have found their way into power structures. They influence who speaks at conferences and who writes the books at Christian publishing houses. The popular speaker notes that the internet passes along false rumors about more traditional Christians who find their opportunities for publishing, speaking, and employment limited. He concludes his article with the warning, ", and for the next several years, the Religious Right will reign supreme." An example worth noting to back up Campolo's claims is the recent report of the invitation given to a Mr. Boykin, a retired career Army officer. This site has noted more than once the Christian nation-holy war speeches given by the officer. First Baptist Church in Daytona Beach, Florida, whose pastor is a recent past president of the Southern Baptist Convention had Boykin in to speak to the congregation. Jo Conn, of Church and State Magazine, noted the way Senator Grassley dropped the ball in his investigation of the opulent lifestyles of the Prosperity Gospel preachers. It is speculated hardliners in the GOP prevailed upon Grassley and he wimped out on his promise to further investigate mega pastors and their tax sheltered lifestyles. Jo warned that the investigation might have opened the door for legislation pending to allow ministers to now endorse candidates from the pulpit. Which further adds to the potential for future muscle for the group. Far from being dead, the movement, according to Tony and others, is only gaining momentum. Observers might believe the influence on national politics is dwindling. I am inclined to agree with Campolo, it certainly is not on the decline in the churches.
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