The Randian Fault That Could Shake Conservatism
Indeed, we may be starting to see some shaking in the debate about the Republican budget proposals. Recently I (Frank) contributed an essay on the economic philosophy of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) to the web site of New Deal 2.0. Oddly, Ryan claims that Rand's selfishness is all about morality.
In a Facebook video posted in 2009, the Wisconsin pol was gushing about the wisdom to be found in "Atlas Shrugged." He boldly declared, "And a lot of people would observe that we are right now living in an Ayn Rand novel -- and metaphorically speaking." He elaborated, "But more to the point is this: The issue that is under assault, the attack on democratic capitalism, on individualism and freedom in America is an attack on the moral foundation of America." Rand's Objectivism is devoid of a higher form of love -- in which individuals are willing to sacrifice for other members of society; an essential element for any functioning democracy. Because this is so, a dilemma may be dawning for conservatism: Do they need to force a rift with the overt Randians? Unfortunately for conservatism, if they fail to address the Randian heresy of selfishness-as-virtue, the result may be he same -- as liberals are starting to catch-on. Self-sacrifice and love of others has been long part of the dominant forms of conservatism. It is at the heart of Neo-conservatism's call to lay down one's life for a Pax Americana. Although cynically and corruptly, that particular political philosophy views religious orthodoxy as but one leg of a three-legged stool for society (the other two legs being nationalism and laissez-faire economics). Conservative icon Russell Kirk defined Christian morality and self-sacrifice as essential to a conservative vision. Indeed, there have always been conservative leaders who recognize the shallowness and recklessness of Rand's beliefs. The late William F. Buckley, for example, unsurprisingly dismissed Atlas Shrugged as "ideological fabulism." But former George W. Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson's recent critique of Objectivsm is so devastating that liberals of all stripes should sit-up and take notice. Gerson recognizes that Objectivism is a profound betrayal of conservative Christianity and the general direction and tone of movement conservatism:
None of the characters expresses a hint of sympathetic human emotion - which is precisely the point. Rand's novels are vehicles for a system of thought known as Objectivism. Rand developed this philosophy at the length of Tolstoy, with the intellectual pretensions of Hegel, but it can be summarized on a napkin. Reason is everything. Religion is a fraud. Selfishness is a virtue. Altruism is a crime against human excellence. Self-sacr |