Romney Cited Conspiracy Theorist Cleon Skousen, on Second Coming
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Jul 02, 2011 at 04:04:43 AM EST
With Mitt Romney narrowly leading the pack of those vying for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination, journalists will no doubt continue to comb his past for evidence of underlying beliefs that might influence a Romney presidency, but so far the press has missed a 2008 Romney radio show appearance in which the former Massachusetts governor endorsed The Making of America, by fringe New World Order conspiracy theorist Cleon Skousen, a former Brigham Young University professor of Romney's, and also cited Skousen's opinions concerning the question of the Second Coming. Here's video of the interchange--which Mitt Romney may have difficulty explaining, especially in context of his carefully coiffed persona as a moderate Republican.
As covered by Media Matters, in The Making