Updated: Breivik's Core Thesis is White Christian Nationalism v. Multiculturalism
Chip Berlet printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Jul 25, 2011 at 07:35:10 AM EST
{Updated 11:50 am ET/USA: 08/03/2011}

The Breivik Manifesto has a core conspiracist thesis picked up from the U.S. Christian Right. Breivik rearticulates this thesis repeatedly. Here is my short formula for explaining Breivik's thesis:

Cultural Marxism=Political  Correctness=Multiculturalism=Muslim Immigration=Destruction of Judeo-Christian nations

In other words, Breivik believes that "Political Correctness" should be exposed as a conspiracy by "Cultural Marxists" to destroy sovereign Christian nations and is the reason for political leaders  allowing mass Muslim migration into Europe.

The theoretical lineage of Breivk's thesis is primarily from cultural conservatives William S. Lind and the late Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation, and to a lesser extent articles published by the LaRouche network.

Most significant is a collection of essays published by the Free Congress Foundation in 2004 on cultural Marxism, political correctness, and multiculturalism. The editor of that collection was William S. Lind.

Some form of the term "Cultural Marxism" in English appears over 600 times in the Breivik manifesto and is a major focus of the Lind collection of essays with 29 mentions in a 51-page pamphlet. Lind and Weyrich, however, began writing about their concerns as early as 1997.

After dozens of hours and thousands of pages of reading I am confident that the work of William S. Lind of the Free Congress Foundation is a major conceptual influence on the core thesis of Breivik and his Manifesto.

You can watch Lind explain his thesis on this video: