Is the Vatican's Man in Philadelphia a Republican Hack?
Frank Cocozzelli printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Jul 31, 2011 at 05:28:25 PM EST
If the July 19, 2011 appointment of Charles Joseph Chaput as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia was designed to deliver Pennsylvania to the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, we can expect a nasty mix of overt clericalism and partisan hackery in the City of Brotherly Love.
While this would not be the first time the Vatican has seemed to directly intervene in American politics, it may well indicate an increasing level of involvement.   During Chaput's recent tenure as the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, he established himself as perhaps the Republican Party's attack dog within the Church's American hierarchy as well as one of the leading culture warriors of the Catholic Right.  In the 2004 Presidential Election, Chaput openly declared that Catholics had only one choice and that was to vote for President Bush.  He also railed about how Senator Kerry, the Democratic nominee (and a Catholic) should be denied Communion because of his support of reproductive rights and embryonic stem cell research.  Four years later Chaput attacked then-Democratic presidential candidate Obama as "the virulently pro-abortion Democratic senator" and chastised his Catholic supporters. When the Affordable Care Act was being debated in Congress before becoming law, he attacked the need for a public option for health care coverage, egregiously dissembling on the subject.

Once ensconced in Philadelphia -- a larger city and media market in a potential electoral swing state -- Chaput's media visibility will undoubtedly rise along with his standing in the hierarchy.

While Chaput's politics may gain greater visibility in light of his promotion, his dismal handling of the priest pedophile scandals may gain proportionally greater scrutiny as well. The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP),  is also displeased.. The group accused the archbishop of covering up sexual abuse in Denver and was outraged by his opposition to the reformation of the statute of limitations for civil law suits involving sexual abuse.  This wound remains open in Philadelphia as well in the wake of Cardinal Rigali's dismal record.

In any case, the Keystone State has gone Democratic in every presidential election since 1992. But in the last two elections the margin of victory has reduced to less than 55% of the vote, arguably putting the state in play in 2012.  Since much of the electoral base of the Democratic Party in the state is concentrated in counties surrounding the big industrial cities of Erie, Pittsburgh, Scranton, and particularly Philadelphia, which are heavily populated with Irish, German and Italian working and middle class Catholics.   If the Republicans can depress the Democratic turnout in those cities, Pennsylvania could go red as a Cardinal's hat in 2012.

Given Chaput's record electoral interventions, it is not unreasonable to think that the Church's intentions behind the Chaput appointment may be more political than pastoral. If so, it will come as no surprise if we hear Chaput deemphasize economic issues, increase his vitriolic attacks on Obama's policies on choice and embryonic stem cell research, and threaten the faithful with eternal damnation for not voting in accord with the Archbishop.

Display:'re in for a bumpy ride.

by Frank Cocozzelli on Sun Jul 31, 2011 at 05:30:57 PM EST
I think the Vatican is thumbing its collective nose at those of us who are dismayed about the direction the American hierarchy has taken. Colleen at Enlightened Catholicism has also written about how Chaput was sent to Australia to oust Bishop William Morris.

by khughes1963 on Sun Jul 31, 2011 at 07:42:08 PM EST
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by blomblom on Fri Jul 08, 2016 at 09:03:07 AM EST

Make all churches show that they provide a positive impact on their community in order to keep their non-profit status, and reinforce the "no politics" rule.

Also require reporting of finances, just like any other non-profit (and this requirement would be tied to the non-profit status).

Clergy would have to pay the same taxes as everyone else.

The threat to income would make the Hierarchy think twice.

Indeed, I think if ALL religious groups were held to this and treated the same as any other non-profit, the dominionists may find themselves loosing a lot of power.

by ArchaeoBob on Sun Jul 31, 2011 at 11:45:56 PM EST

This is pretty much what I and a number of other Social Libertarians have been advocating for a while.
BTW, I think if this proposal was ever enacted, it would knock the stuffing outta the Dominionists.

by Frank Frey on Mon Aug 01, 2011 at 12:31:56 PM EST

I'm a Progressive Democrat and I also agree with you. Religions should keep their noses out of politics. If they don't, they should pay taxes like everyone else. We have a Democratic mayor in Philly. He should tell the bas .... er ... Cardinal to shut the hell up. The fact that he covers up for Church pervs says a lot about him.

by hypatiab7 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 at 02:26:10 PM EST

In response to ArcheonBob's "Make all churches show that they provide a positive impact on their community in order to keep their non-profit status." How exactly do quantify a church's positive impact? Assuming there was some type of checklist, who is the governing body that oversees this?

by Jim Zamichieli on Tue Aug 02, 2011 at 12:44:57 PM EST
good question, and easily answered.  We're already doing things like that all the time, and it falls under social science evaluation.  Applied Anthropologists and sociologists do this on a regular basis.  Establishing the impact on society of a program/law/policy is one of the tasks that we regularly encounter.  Moving from that to the impact of a church on society... it can also be measured and without great difficulty.

I've done assessment for evaluation and know a fair amount about the procedure.  Setting something like that up would take a couple of years or so, with additional time for verifying that it's working as needed (that's from the Social Science end... setting policy and law in place would be another matter, but shouldn't be too much of a problem either).  Then it would be a matter of regular evaluations.   BTW - while I have some ideas for measures and so on, it takes time to come up with ones that are accurate and precise... that includes testing and verifying that the measures and instruments have validity.

Part of the problem right now is that there isn't a code of conduct or anything like that for churches in general.  One church can be ecumenical and do major outreach to their neighborhood without putting demands on people that are onerous.  This would be clearly positive.  Another preaches hellfire and damnation (an attempt to manipulate by fear), rejects other churches as "false churches", preys on people and makes a false pretense at helping people... while making demands (such as converting or going through a sermon) on the people they're supposedly helping.  That is all too common, and obviously negative.  Demanding money  from people who don't have it would be negative.  (These are just some ideas...)  Anyway, having such a code of conduct would also be a help to those churches because they would have something to work toward and a way to measure their effectiveness in helping people (if that's their real purpose for existence, which I would argue for dominionist and fundamentalist churches, it is not).

I would keep the evaluation setup completely away from church control, considering how the dominionists and fundamentalists have a tendency to mislead and even flat-out lie.  The evaluation needs to be done by an outside agency.

It also seems to me that Australia has such a law in the works, and it was a response to the Oz branch of the Assemblies of God and the harm they've done down there.

Personally, with the horrible reputation "Christians" (people who "talk the talk") and the churches have, I would think they would welcome such a thing.  (Note: I am a Christian, but I consider it an internal thing and an impulse to be kinder and to try to really help people in the ways that they would consider helpful, within our means to do so.  I would welcome something like this.)

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Aug 02, 2011 at 08:03:39 PM EST

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