Garlow Introduced Gingrich, Called for Pastors Revolt Against IRS Rules at NAR Church in Nevada
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Feb 06, 2012 at 01:28:19 PM EST
On Friday night Newt Gingrich spoke at the "Prayer for America" event at the International Church of Las Vegas (ICLV) led by Apostle Paul Goulet.  Jim Garlow, a member of the campaign's national Faith Leaders Coalition, introduced Gingrich and promoted a pastors' revolt against IRS rules that prohibit endorsement of a political candidate from the pulpit. Following is information on the event, the "non-denominational" Assemblies of God church led by Apostle Goulet, and a brief recap of Gingrich's past history with apostles and prophets of the NAR.
Apostle Goulet introduced Garlow, who then introduced Gingrich to those assembled and watching the live streaming.  As part of Garlow's remarks, he promoted efforts by the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) to provoke a court case over IRS restrictions of candidate endorsements from the pulpit.  As Garlow explained to the audience, this is a yearly effort that began in 2008 with the recruitment of 33 pastors, who videotaped political endorsements they made from the pulpit and sent them to the IRS.  Each year the number of pastors involved has grown, according to Garlow, and he calls for those in the audience and watching live streaming to encourage their pastor to participate.

"Here's what happens. On October 7th of this year, there will be several thousand pastors standing up and intentionally defying the Johnson Amendment based upon our biblical authority and our Constitutional right based upon the First Amendment.  Secondly, any pastor in any state, during these primaries, over any candidate, if he wants to endorse or oppose, [he repeats] if he wants to endorse or oppose, they have the full legal right to do that.  And they have 2500 attorneys who will back them up, regardless of the candidate.

Garlow asked the audience to write down the website or get the information being passed around by ushers about the event.  The Alliance Defense Fund's Pulpit Initiative 2012 website features a video of Garlow, who appears to be one of the driving forces behind the effort.  Garlow then  introduced Newt Gingrich, who began his speech by calling the children in the audience to the stage. See coverage by Right Wing Watch.

Apostle Paul Goulet and International Church of Las Vegas

Goulet and his wife Denise are well known apostles who have led New Apostolic events with C. Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, James Goll, Barbara Wentroble, and others.  By 2006, Goulet was on the list of elite members of the C. Peter Wagner-led International Coalition of Apostles.  Goulet is currently in the Global Spheres network of Chuck Pierce.

In his opening remarks at the event on Friday, Goulet says that he invited all the GOP candidates and President Obama, but that Gingrich was the only candidate to respond. He described the event as being planned on three days notice and welcomed visitors saying,

"I don't know what tradition you're from or what background your from in church, but this is a non-denominational church. Whether you're Lutheran or Baptist or Pentecostal or whatever you might be, I hope you feel comfortable tonight."

ICLV was formerly named West Valley Assemblies of God, and the church is still listed in the AOG's database of member churches.  Like many AOG and denominational churches embracing the New Apostolic Reformation's structure and ideology, it has been rebranded with a name that sounds non-denominational.  

For those unfamiliar with the New Apostolic Reformation, it is a movement to reorganize Protestantism by abolishing denominational divides and reorganizing under the authority of a network of apostles.  In addition to forming relational networks for independent churches, the  structure of apostles and prophets is currently overlaying the existing structure of NAR-led churches remaining in their denominations.

Like other NAR churches, the congregation is multi-ethnic and multi-racial.  Prior to introducing Garlow, Goulet introduced the Las Vegas representative of the Mexican American Coalition, Pablo Alonzo Flores. Flores prayed for a "godly solution" to immigration in Spanish and English.

Goulet then introduced Garlow, explaining to the audience that Garlow has lead Skyline Church near San Diego, since John Maxwell left his position as senior pastor in 1995. (Maxwell, a Fuller Theological Seminary graduate, is known for his speaking and best-selling books on leadership, which were promoted as secular self-help media. C. Peter Wagner repeatedly cites Maxwell as his example for his network of personal prayer intercessors after observing Maxwell's model in 1988.  At Skyline, Maxwell had a group of 100 men who served as his personal prayer partners to provide him spiritual protection.)

Expansion and church planting is a major part of the mission of NAR apostles, and Paul Goulet plans to plant "2000 churches by the year 2020." Joel Garcia, a Regent University graduate and founder of Latino Townhall, explains in a chapter of The Apostolic Canopy: Understanding and Embracing the Five Fold Ministry how apostles honor each other's geographic territory.  

It is important that apostles recognize and respect other legitimate apostolic spheres. For instance, in our network one of our apostolic friends is Dr. James Marocco, the senior pastor of Kings Cathedral in Maui, Hawaii. His apostolic sphere includes the Pacific Rim where he has two Cathedrals and over forty church extensions ranging from his home base in Hawaii to Japan, the Philippines, Alaska, French Polynesia, Chile and other places in or around the Pacific Rim. My pastor, Paul Goulet, who has been recognized as an apostle by C. Peter Wagner's apostolic network, is a personal friend of Dr. James Marocco. They recognize and respect each other's apostolic spheres of ministry and will not plant churches within their Canosphere (the apostle's canopy authority over a region) unless they have come to a common consensus and strategy to work together.

The Prophetic Conference 2012 with Chuck Pierce, Sean Smith and Jane Hamon was held at the International Church of Las Vegas on January 29 - February 1. Currently, there is still a 45 second trailer for the event on the website.   Jane Hamon is the daughter-in-law of Bill Hamon and one of the leaders in his international apostolic network called Christian International. Jane, Tim, and Tom Hamon are ICA apostles and Bill Hamon is an Honorary Lifetime Member of the ICA.

The International Church of Las Vegas was the site of the Apostolic Prophetic Advance 09 on "miracles, healing, and personal prophecy," featuring Chuck Pierce, Rachel Hickson, Stacey Campbell, and Sergio Scataglini.   The event was advertised as follows.

This annual conference brings together today's leading prophetic and apostolic voices for a dynamic experience unlike any other.

Prayer for America Event

ICLV's was planned on three days notice and advertised on the church's website.

Now more than ever, America is in desperate need of change, and the only One who can bring true, lasting change is Jesus. That's why I've called the first in a series of prayer meetings for our nation. I'm putting out the call during a crucial time in the history of our nation. Please invite all of your friends of every denomination to join us for this critical time of intercession.

Because I truly believe that America is a nation at a crucial juncture, I've invited leaders of all kinds to join us. Many have responded, including former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. The Speaker will be sharing his heart and give us a chance to ask questions at the end of the prayer meeting. In no way is this a political endorsement. It is, however, an amazing opportunity to hear from someone of great influence and be a great influence in our nation through prayer. I hope you'll be there in person, or live online at iChurch!

Gingrich and the Apostles

Following are a few examples, but not an exhaustive list, of Gingrich's coordination with major apostolic and prophetic leaders.

Gingrich was recently endorsed by Apostle Dutch Sheets, who has also joined the campaign's national Faith Leaders Coalition.  Jim Garlow is also on the Faith Leaders Coalition and heads the Renewing American Leadership (ReAL) founded by Gingrich and Rick Tyler in 2009.  Garlow is a long time supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation movement ( despite denials), and was recently described on an apostolic network as "in a covenant relationship with Cindy Jacobs," leading prophetess and apostolic authority over the Reformation Prayer Network. The ReAL board includes David Barton, who has been coordinating his work with Cindy Jacobs and other leading NAR apostles since long before the movement had a name.

Under the leadership of Garlow and ReAL, numerous apostles and other Religious Right leaders were mobilized in a 40-day event called Pray & Act to impact the 2010 elections. As noted in the my article on Dutch Sheets' endorsement, other leading apostles promoted Gingrich to the apostolic prayer network prior to the South Carolina primary.

Garlow's position at ReAL was announced at Cindy Jacobs Convergence 2010 conference, as documented at Right Wing Watch. Both Garlow and Barton also spoke at Convergence 2009. The conference is one of the major events hosted by Cindy and Mike Jacobs as "presiding apostles" of the Reformation Prayer Network.

Gingrich participated in the internationally televised Rediscovering God in America conference in 2009, led by Lou Engle and featuring Matthew Staver, Oliver North, Mike Huckabee, and David Barton.

The event was advertised in Christian Newswire.

'Rediscovering God in America' is the name of a best-selling book by US former speaker, Newt Gingrich; the subject of a movie, and now a special event which will be broadcast LIVE on GOD TV on Thursday June 4 at 8.30pm and Friday June 5 at 8am (Eastern).

"There is no attack on American culture that is more destructive or more historically dishonest than the secular Left's relentless effort to drive God out of America's public square," says Newt Gingrich. "I wrote Rediscovering God in America as a response to the 9th District Federal Court of Appeals' ruling that the phrase 'one nation, under God' as part of the Pledge of Allegiance was unconstitutional. This event aims to ignite people of faith to again engage the culture as we reclaim the centrality of God in American life."

Engle, an NAR prophet with international recognition, prayed over Gingrich and called for his influence to be extended and for him to be delivered from the evil schemes of the enemy.

I live in Las Vegas and his ministry broadcast is shown here at a very early AM hour on Saturdays, I believe. Watched his show a few times and kind of dismissed him as a local "little fish, little pond" sort of minister...and now am also wondering how this kind of shy and not-very-articulate man somehow ended up pastor of so large a flock, to say nothing of being an influential Apostle in the larger NAR network. He seems to be connected also in some way with the Rev. Benny Perez (Church of South Las Vegas), as I see them both on TBN broadcasts occasionally. Point of this anecdote is...are we to understand there are these unassuming "medium-to-megachurch nodes" of NAR under the radar in a lot of urban areas in the US? And how would someone like Goulet have come to the attention of - and be used by - the NAR?

by oevp4ever on Mon Feb 06, 2012 at 09:04:36 PM EST
It's accurate to say that there are medium-to-megachurch nodes of NAR in most urban areas of the country.  Also, Goulet's church has several satellite locations in the Las Vegas area.    What is remarkable is the networking capabilities throughout the movement and the ability for rapid mobilization.  It's like having one of the largest denominations in the country, but one that almost no one outside the movement has even noticed and that receives almost no critical coverage from the press, academia, or the larger evangelical sector.

by Rachel Tabachnick on Mon Feb 06, 2012 at 10:07:55 PM EST

After all, the caucus format makes it pretty easy for a particular interest group to stack the deck. If that was what Goulet and Garlow were planning to do, it didn't work--Gingrich got pounded, particularly in Vegas.

by Christian Dem in NC on Wed Feb 08, 2012 at 05:51:04 PM EST

In a recent church service in Nevada, pastor Tim Garlow introduced Newt Gingrich and called for a revolt against IRS rules that require churches to remain non-partisan.  real estate agent Manson Garlow believes that churches should be allowed to endorse political candidates and engage in political activities without fear of reprisal from the government. He has urged other pastors to join him in speaking out against the IRS rules, which he views as a violation of religious freedom.

by isabelladom on Tue Jan 10, 2023 at 11:43:38 PM EST

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