Ted Cruz Embraces Armageddon Pastor Who Denounces Gays and Jews
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Feb 17, 2016 at 12:00:57 PM EST
In 2008, Senator John McCain, the Republican Party's presidential nominee, was forced to renounce his much sought after endorsement from Pastor John Hagee after video was discovered in which Hagee claimed God sent Hitler to hunt the Jews in order to get them to Israel.

Flash forward almost eight years, and on January 21, Pastor Mike Bickle, another evangelical preacher who has used the same Hitler hunting the Jews meme, endorsed Texas Senator Ted Cruz's bid for the White House. This time, however, instead of distancing himself from Bickle, Cruz embraced the controversial head of the International House of Prayer, a Kansa City-based ministry that partners "with Messianic Jews for the salvation of the Jewish people."

On the day of Bickle's endorsement, a banner headline at tedcruz.org read "Cruz For President Announces Endorsement Of Mike Bickle." A Cruz statement declared: "Through prayer, the Lord has changed my life and altered my family's story. I am grateful for Mike's dedication to call a generation of young people to prayer and spiritual commitment. Heidi and I are grateful to have his prayers and support. With the support of Mike and many other people of faith, we will fight the good fight, finish the course, and keep the faith."

It is no secret that Cruz has built his campaign around soliciting, and receiving endorsements