Say You (Don't) Want A Revolution?: Perkins Proves To Be No Prophet
Rob Boston printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Mar 28, 2016 at 12:37:13 PM EST

Almost exactly three years ago, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins appeared on a far-right radio program and predicted that the country was on the verge of revolution.

If the Supreme Court upheld marriage equality, Perkins opined, the United States might split in two.

"If you get government out of whack with where the people are and it goes too far, you create revolution," Perkins told Janet Mefferd on March 25, 2013. "I think you could see a social and cultural revolution if the court goes too far on this...[It] could literally split this nation in two and create such political and cultural turmoil that I'm not sure we could recover...."

The high court handed down a ruling in favor of same-sex marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges nine months ago. How are we doing?

Well, certainly there has been a backlash to the decision in some quarters. A few government clerks like Kim Davis in Kentucky are trying to argue in court that they have a religious freedom right to refuse to serve LGBT couples. That isn't