Reprise: From Reconstructionism to Dominionism, Part 1
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Wed Mar 14, 2007 at 04:42:59 PM EST
After listening to Gary North's interview with Paul Pressler, I was interested in learning about Gary North.  I quickly learned that he was the son-in-law of Rousas John Rushdoony who was the founder of a movement called Christian Reconstructionism.

The name Rushdoony was familiar to me, but the movement was unknown.  Rushdoony was frequently quoted by Francis Schaeffer.   Schaeffer and Rushdoony studied together under Cornelius Van Til.  Van Til was a Presbyterian scholar of Christian apologetics.  

Apologetics is a term that is used to describe how Christians defend the credibility of their faith to each other and to non-believers.  Cornelius Van Til developed an apologetic method known as presuppositionalism.  It is based on the presupposition that the Bible is inerrant and infallible and that it reveals God's absolute truth for every area of reality.

While I attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, I learned a little about Van Til and read nearly every book that Francis Schaeffer published.  Schaeffer's books were texts in the philosophy and apologetics classes of many conservative members of the faculty.  His contribution to apologetics was a, then, new emphasis on the influ