Article On Heavy Evangelical Penetration Of US Military
Two days ago, John McCain made a now infamous gaffe, at a VFW Hall appearance, in which he sung "Bomb Iran, Bomb Bomb Iran" to the tune of the Beach Boys' song "Barbara Ann". McCain's song has been turned into a political ad, fairly hard hitting, that asks if the US can afford someone so reckless as McCain as president:
What got lost in translation was the background to McCain's remark and the surrounding context including heavy Christian Evangelical penetration of the US armed services and the undeniable fact that many or even most, maybe, of those Evangelicals hold apocalyptic end-time beliefs. In an April 2, 2006 appearance on Meet The Press, McCain told Tim Russert that, beyond merely getting the US mired in fighting two wars at once ( three actually, counting Afghanistan ) a US war against Iran could become "Armageddon".
John McCain may be sometimes loopy, but he has also been in politics for a long, long time and so his calculation on the political influence and clout of John Hagee should be taken seriously. As another indication Pastor Hagee, who has called for a preemptive US/Israeli military strike on Iran, speculated that such an attack could trigger "Armageddon", and also formed a political lobby to bring on Armageddon and the Apocalypse, spoke before a considerable fraction of the US Congress at AIPAC's February 2007 yearly national political convention, as the event's keynote speaker. John Hagee has predicted a US attack on Iran could lead to a nuclear strike on the US, by Russia, that would destroy the East and West coasts of the United States, and if that comes to pass, suggests Hagee, the hundreds of millions of Americans so immolated would deserve their fate, as divine retribution for alleged sins against Israel.
US Senator John McCain met with Hagee, privately, last February and the two, as John Hagee subsequently exulted in a CUFI email memo, "John McCain gets it !". Mikey Weinstein's book on the Evangelical penetration of the US military should raise widespread alarm and not merely for Evangelical presence in the military and the considerable threat to US church/state separation that heavy Evangelical Christian presence implies:
As the brazen Christian Embassy video demonstrates, high level Pentagon officials seem, to feel quite secure professing that their primary allegiance is to "God", then to "Church" or "Family", with "nation" last in the priority chain. That represents a possible fundamental compromise in the US military command chain, and paired with Apocalyptic religious beliefs that reality raises the specter of a religious war fought with nuclear weapons. For a personal account of someone who was forced out of the USAF for her religious beliefs, Lorie Johnson's account of her harrowing time in the Air Force provides firsthand testimony that well accompanies Weinstein's account of Christian Evangelical coercion in the Air Force, and Johnson offers this disturbing recollection:
In part one of a six part series, entitled Onward Christian Soldiers: How minority faiths are treated in the US Military, Lorrie Johnson recounts her experience of religious coercion within the USAF, and her exemplary courage in fighting for religious freedom. ( 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ).
It was in Germany that I met fellow Pagans, and it was there that some of us got together and compared stories. I was not the only person subject to proselytization and harassment by aggressive evangelicals. My other Pagan peers reported the same problem, and an overt lack of respect, and even hostility by the Christians in their various units. We could not get dog tags which stated our religious faith. We were stuck with either 'no religious preference', 'none', or 'other', which generated more hostile questions from evangelicals. With fellowship in mind, I created the "Farwander Fellowship" which eventually morphed into the Military Pagan Network. It was meant to permit military Pagans to find likeminded people, so that they did not believe that they were totally alone. The press got wind of this, and an article appeared in the Air Force Times about our attempts to get a little respect and recognition.
Article On Heavy Evangelical Penetration Of US Military | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)
Article On Heavy Evangelical Penetration Of US Military | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)