Time: Rick Warren to Head 200,000 Missionaries
Richard Bartholomew printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Jun 16, 2008 at 11:09:42 AM EST
Time reported a couple of weeks ago:

Already established as perhaps the most important voice in contemporary American Evangelical Christianity, Rick Warren last week pressed the button that he hopes will take his "brand" to the ends of the earth.

...If last week's conference increases the number of participant congregations in the PEACE plan from 12 to 1,200 -- a reasonable estimate, given that 1,700 pastors were in attendance and many actually head networks of congregations -- then the number of PEACE missionaries would jump from roughly 2,000 a year to 200,000...

Warren's "PEACE" plan is his vision for the economic and spiritual development of Africa, and it has been "beta-tested" (Time's word) in Rwanda (as I blogged here and here) and Uganda (where Warren recently expressed his strong support for laws against homosexuality). Now Warren has apparently brought much of the US evangelical mainstream on board at a "PEACE Coalition Summit". Various pastors spoke enthusiastically about their wish to "take" countries like Mozambique and Nigeria.