Palin Disinvited from Pro-Israel Rally
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Sep 19, 2008 at 01:07:18 AM EST
Update [2008-9-19 2:10:20 by Frederick Clarkson]:
I originally wrote this post as a newsy item, based on an announcement by religious right publisher Stephen Strang. Turns out that this is a lesson in 'don't believe everything you read by Stephen Strang'-- who made it sound like the rally was organized by CUFI -- when CUFI is not even listed among the rally organizers. What's more, Palin has been disinvited, by the actual rally organizers, according to a report on Politico.

I admit I was taken in -- and should have done more research. Nevertheless, it is very likely that CUFI members will be present at the rally, as planned. Here is the post as it was written:

On Monday, September 22nd, Sarah Palin will address a rally at the UN put together by John Hagee's organization Christians United for Israel. Hagee is the Texas mega-church leader whose endorsement McCain sought for at least a year before receiving it during the primaries.  But it didn't last long.  John McCain renounced that endorsement around the same time Hagee withdrew his support for McCain.

Controversy had dogged the relationship until Bruce Wilson's video at Talk to Action showed Hagee claiming that God sent Hitler and the holocaust as a message to Jews to head to Israel and thereby fulfill Biblical prophesy. &