Can 100,000 Anti-Obama New World Order Conspiracy Videos Be Wrong ?
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Jul 26, 2009 at 10:17:01 AM EST
When I wrote the first draft of this story, sometime in March 2009, a dedicated search at the video hosting web site, on the two terms "New World Order" and "Obama", produced over 50,000 results. Today on July 26, 2009, the same search produces over 90,000 results. Within weeks, the same YouTube search will net 100,000. Some of the YouTube NWO videos have had millions of views.

Although there are secularized versions of New World Order conspiracy narrative, the conspiracy theory genre is at base a religious one. These YouTube NWO videos tend to associate Barack Obama with the forces of absolute evil, suggesting Obama is either an antichrist or "false prophet" figure or, probably more commonly, that Obama is a key player in a conspiracy to create a world totalitarian system which, in religious versions of the NWO conspiracy narrative, will be led by a murderous antichrist figure soon to dominate the world political stage.

NWO conspiracy theories typically are interwoven with Christian apocalyptic End-Time narratives predicting the immanent arrival, on the world stage, of a satanic world ruler who will come to power promising peace but instead implement a savage and bloody reign of tyranny.

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