Demons Cause Influenza, Suggested Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal Paper. But it Gets Worse.
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Aug 25, 2010 at 11:01:35 AM EST
"One final consideration that one might have is whether the illness was inflicted by a demon or devil. The Bible always tells if an illness is caused by a demon or devil... The victims often had what sounded like a convulsion when the demon was cast out. In our index case, demonic influence is not stated, and the woman had no apparent convulsion or residual symptomatology." --- from "Influenza or not influenza: Analysis of a case of high fever that happened 2000 years ago in Biblical time" published in Virology Journal on July 21, 2010

Can demon possession cause Influenza ? To even ask the question presupposes a lot - that demons exist, for one thing, that they can infest humans and, obviously, that they can cause disease.

It's one thing for a peer-reviewed medical journal to publish a paper that makes such claims. But what if leading American politicians could be found praying together with religious leaders who claim homosexuality is caused by demon possession and who practice exorcism ? What if leading politicians are friends with professed witch hunters?

Several weeks ago Vi