Kim Daniels Is Not Your Average "gay demon" Exorcist For City Council
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Apr 22, 2011 at 03:44:44 PM EST
"most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches.

I do not buy candy during the Halloween season. Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from the local grocery store. The demons cannot tell the difference."

--- Kim Daniels, Charisma magazine, Prophetic Insight From Charisma, The Danger of Celebrating Halloween

They call her the Demonbuster. A professed exorcist (it's in print) who claims to cast out "gay demons", Kim Daniels is vying in an upcoming runoff election, as a Democrat, for Jacksonville, Florida City Council. She's not your average exorcist though--over the past several years her colleagues, Daniels' fellow apostles, could be found meeting and praying together with Barack Obama, championing the religious right's battle to prevent hate crimes legislation and fighting to roll back reproductive rights and thwart legalization of same-sex marriage.
During the Summer of 2009, one of Daniels' fellow apostles publicly blessed Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich. In December 2009, Daniels' fellow apostles shared a stage with prominent GOP Senators and Congress members attending a nationally broadcast "Prayercast" against Health Care Reform. On April 1-2, 2011, four of Kim Daniels' fellow apostles spoke at the Social Transformation Conference held at Harvard University. The main focus of the conference was on the need for charismatic Christians to take control of key sectors of society, including government. One of Daniels' fellow apostles, Mary Glazier, is a close personal friend to 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

[note: after a brief introduction to the apostolic movement Kim Daniels belongs to, this article presents information on Kim Daniels' fellow apostles.]

Kimberly Daniels is colorful, to say the least. Her avowed "demonbuster" persona includes performing exorcisms to cast out demons alleged to cause homosexuality, drug abuse, and insanity, claims that "the Jews own everything!" and that President Obama is part of a Harvard-based Illuminati plot, and a declaration of being grateful for the historical institution of American slavery without which, according to Kim Daniels, "I might be somewhere in Africa worshiping a tree." (link to sourced Kim Daniels quotes.)

But Daniels is also an "apostle" in an international dues-paying organization called the International Coalition of Apostles (see footnote). The ICA is in the forefront of an internationally influential movement within charismatic Christianity whose leaders have since 2008 increasingly participated in prominent public events with top leaders in both the Republican Party and also the Democratic Party.

The ICA is the biggest group of apostles in what is really an emerging new Protestant mega-denomination officially launched in 2001 by former Fuller Theological Seminary church-growth guru C. Peter Wagner, who was academic mentor to Rick Warren, for Warren's Fuller Theological Seminary dissertation for Warren's doctorate of ministry.

Peter Wagner headed the International Coalition of Apostles from 2001 through into 2010. Along with the ICA, another major apostolic entity in Wagner's movement according to Wagner, is the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, whose 25 or so member-apostles,

"gather together each September to build relationships, share what they are hearing prophetically, and hold themselves accountable for quality and integrity in their prophetic ministries." (from Peter Wagner's book Apostles Today: Biblical Government For Biblical Power, 2006, Regal Books.)

One of Wagner's ACPE prophets, also an ICA apostle, is Alaska evangelist Mary Glazier, a personal friend of, and prayer leader for, Sarah Palin (for extensive coverage of Palin and the NAR, see this Talk To Action special site section.)  

Peter Wagner has declared his movement to be the start of a second Protestant Reformation, hence his chosen name for the movement: The New Apostolic Reformation (for a short definition of the NAR, from researcher Rachel Tabachnick, see here.) Kimberly Daniels is listed as a Core Faculty Membership in the Wagner Leadership Institute, which promotes the ideas and practices of the movement Wagner has helped to launch.

Meet the Apostles

Kim Daniels' colleagues in the ICA and its related elite apostolic group, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (which issues prophecy) have included:

--Apostle Samuel Rodriguez (see link for collection of Talk To Action articles on Rodriguez covering below points), is head of the National Hispanic Christian  Leadership Conference, which purports to represent 10 million evangelical and 5 million charismatic Catholic Hispanic Americans. Rodriguez has helped draft the Democratic centrist organization the Third Way's "Come Let Us Reason Together" agenda on reproductive and gay rights, and during the 2008 election Rodriguez met with Barack Obama, to discuss immigration reform and also pray together with future President Obama. Samuel Rodriguez also called in by phone to participate in the Family Research Council's December 2009 Prayercast against health care reform.

--Apostle Ed Silvoso, whose International Transformation Network held a November 2009 conference during which Hawaii 2010 election GOP gubernatorial candidate James "Duke" Aiona, defeated in the 2010 election by Democrat Neil Abercrombie, was blessed onstage by Silvoso and his fellow ITN leaders (see here for this website's extensive coverage of Duke Aiona and the International Transformation Network.)

As the International Coalition of Apostles website describes, Ed Silvoso convened the 1999 Singapore meeting at that led to the formation of the ICA in 2001. In an exit-interview following the 2010 election, Duke Aiona stated that one of the factors that hurt him in the election was being tied to Ed Silvoso's ITN. Silvoso and his colleagues Peter Wagner and Cindy Jacobs have stated their movement goal of destroying books and artwork in the manner of the 14th Century Dominican friar Girolamo Savonarola, perpetrator of the original "Bonfire of the Vanities."

--Apostle Jim Ammerman, who prior to the 2008 election published in his chaplain endorsing agency newsletter  [see 1, 2, 3] an op-ed calling for then-US Senators Obama, Clinton, Biden, and Dodd to be executed because they voted in 2007 against a Senate bill to establish English as the official language of the United States. Ammerman has claimed (see stories above, especially 2 & 3) that Bill and Hillary Clinton are members of the Illuminati and during the 1990's heavily promoted the conspiracy theory that Jewish bankers, the UN, and the Federal Reserve were  all part of a grand conspiracy, headed by the anti-Christ, to take over the United States with UN, German, and Chinese troops hidden in National Parks. Ammerman currently presides over 6-8 percent of the active-duty chaplains in the United States Military.

--Apostle Cindy Jacobs, who recently became notorious for her claim that flocks of birds were dropping dead out of the sky because of the repeal of the US Department of Defense' "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy concerning homosexuality in the military. Along with Ed Silvoso & C. Peter Wagner, Jacobs is one of the core founders of Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation movement. Jacobs is both an ICA apostle and an ACPE prophet.  

--Apostle Harry Jackson, who along with Cindy Jacobs is a member of the elite Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE), has been a leader in the fight against same-sex marriage in the District of Colombia. In an April 2011 radio show appearance Bishop Jackson claimed that gay marriage was part of a Satanic plot to "destroy our seed." As shown in the video below, Kimberly Daniels joined Harry Jackson and Cindy Jacobs in a May 7, 2007 Trinity Broadcast Network special urging listeners to call their representatives in Washington, to urge them to fight hate crime legislation. In the segment, Jackson referred to Daniels and Jacobs as his "comrades in warfare" and suggested that same-sex marriage could lead to the legalizing of necrophilia.

--Apostle Lou Engle, who serves on ACPE along with Cindy Jacobs and Harry Jackson, helped lead the fight to pass California's anti-gay marriage proposition 8 and also, in May 2010, held one of his signature antigay, antiabortion The Call rallies in Kampala, Uganda. Speaking at the rally, along with  Engle, was David Bahati, lead author of Uganda's so-called "Kill the Gays" bill, and Bishop Julius Oyet, who has been listed as teaching a course at the Wagner Leadership Institute Southeast. Oyet is a professed co-author of Bahati's bill who claims to have planned the bill and helped select Bahati as the MP who would advance it in Parliament. Writing by ICA apostle Os Hillman suggests that Julius Oyet himself is an ICA apostle (see bottom of linked page, Oyet's US travel itinerary), a likelihood underlined by Oyet's extensive history of speaking at movement events organized and fronted by ICA apostles.

During a Summer 2009 event at a Virginia Beach, VA megachurch Lou Engle blessed and anointed Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee. In the early 2000s Lou Engle for seven months shared a Washington, DC condo with then-US Senator Sam Brownback (now Governor of Kansas.)

--Apostles Lance Wallnau, Os Hillman, Pat Francis, and Bill Hamon, who each participated in the April 1-2, 2011 Harvard Social Transformation Conference that came under heavy criticism from The Harvard Crimson and also LGBT rights groups such as Truth Wins Out, for inflammatory statements from, and positions held by, these four apostles.

Footnote: Kim Daniels was listed as an apostle with the International Coalition of Apostles from 2005 through into 2009 (PDF) and 2010, the year the ICA stopped publishing its "short list" of ICA membership.

Kim Daniels' five listed current ministerial references (see: ) include two current ICA apostles, Apostles John Eckhardt and Apostle C. Peter Wagner, who headed the ICA from 2001 into 2010 and is widely acknowledged as the senior leader-emeritus of the New Apostolic Reformation, the movement the ICA is part of.

As described in a 2002 Charisma magazine article on Daniels, They Call Her The Demon Buster, Kimberly Daniels  frequently appears in NAR movement conferences [for one 2007 conference, see: 1, 2] with Wagner and his fellow apostles:

"C. Peter Wagner, who has written extensively about spiritual warfare, applauds ministers like Daniels, who has spoken at his conferences, because her primary base is a local church and she makes deliverance available to her community--even running an ad in the yellow pages. He says that if God were to send a major revival right now, the church would be ill prepared to cope with vast numbers of people seeking deliverance."

Within Wagner's movement, "Deliverance" is the commonly used euphemism for exorcism.

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