New Apostolic Reformation's Apostles Receiving Long Overdue National Coverage
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Wed Jul 13, 2011 at 12:33:34 AM EST
Texas Governor Rick Perry's August 6 prayer event is finally drawing national coverage of the apostles of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).  Today, Rachel Maddow aired a series of video clips posted at Right Wing Watch of apostles that have endorsed the event. contributors have been researching and writing about the NAR since 2008. For instance, if you click on the TTA search engine in the top right corner, and then type in "C. Peter Wagner," you will pull up 132 articles!   Perry's apostles are not just a random gathering of evangelicals making outrageous statements.  Many are part of an organized movement called the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).  This movement is deeply entrenched across the nation, including a 50-state communications and  network of "prayer warriors."  They have introduced an aggressive ideology to take "dominion" over society and government using something they call Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare.

There is a Resource Directory for the New Apostolic Reformation that is always visible in the left panel of  Following is a list of links to articles and video on apostles that have endorsed Perry's stadium prayer event. Graphic at right is Apostle Cindy Jacob's Possessing the Gates of the Enemy: A Training Manual for Militant Intercession.

C. Peter Wagner

Peter Wagner Explains the New Apostolic Reformation

Who are the Apostles?

Killing Mother Teresa With Their Prayers

Hawaii Candidate for Governor Claimed Membership in Group That Burns Native Art

Rick Warren's Dissertation Advisor Leads Network Promoting Uganda Anti-Gay Bill

Cindy Jacobs

Quotes by Jacobs, Wagner, and other apostles on the meaning of "social transformation."

Cindy Jacobs and Ed Silvoso video clips

Che Ahn

Che Ahn healing video er&list=ULs

The Head and Not the Tail:  Battlecry for the Seven Mountains Campaign

In the following video, Che Ahn introduces Stacey Campbell at the Lakeland Healing Revival. Watch past the one minute mark.

Mike Bickle, Founder of International House of Prayer (IHOP)

Note that leaders from Lou Engle's The Call and Mike Bickle's International House of Prayer (IHOP) are also organizers for Perry's event. A previous article explains more about The Call and IHOP.

The tragic Rifqa Bary story and her exploitation by Lou Engle, began with her participation in an IHOP.

Mike Bickle interviewed on God TV in the series Apocalypse and the End Times

John Benefiel
John Benefiel is head of Heartland Apostolic Network.

Benefiel claims homosexuality is an Illuminati conspiracy. efiel-claims-homosexuality-illuminati-conspiracy

Benefiel claims the Statue of Liberty is demonic. -who-thinks-statue-liberty-demonic-idol

Alice Smith

Apostle Alice Smith is considered an expert in deliverance from demons and in this video talks about "spiritual pollution." -says-spiritual-pollution-making-you-sick

Jay Swallow

The video embedded on John Benefiel's Heartland Apostolic Network shows the role of the apostles, including Jay Swallow, in the Sam Brownback-introduced Senate resolution apologizing for the treatment of American Indians and also demonstrates how the apostles link this to abortion.

Dominionism's Threat Against Indian Country

Lou Engle Only One of Many of Sam Brownback's Only Apostle Problem

Jack Hayford

Despite serving as the head of the International Foursquare Gospel (a Pentecostal denomination) for many years, Jack Hayford has been a major contributor to the development of the New Apostolic Reformation.

In the video embedded in the article below, Jack Hayford can be seen introducing a training course on spiritual mapping and spiritual warfare taught by C. Peter Wagner.

Jack Hayford  Backs Odd Theory: Sex With A Demon Drove Down Japanese Stock Market

John Hagee

Hagee is best known as a leading Christian Zionist and founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI).  While he claims to still hold personal allegiance to a dramatically different theology, many of Hagee's CUFI directors are leaders in the New Apostolic movement including Stephen Strang, publisher of Charisma Magazine, George Morrision, and Robert Stearns.  

Bruce Wilson, co-founder of, produced the video that resulted in presidential candidate John McCain rejecting Hagee's endorsement in May 2008, one day after Keith Olbermann aired the video.  There is a special focus box on John Hagee in the left panel of the website, which includes numerous articles and videos.  Also see a large compilation of video material on Hagee embedded in the article "Denver Keep Fighting and Educating About CUFI."

More Information on the Apostles

[The graphic at right is from C. Peter Wagner's 2008 book titled Dominion!: How Kingdom Action Can Change the World.]

The "Resource Directory" in the left panel includes a short summary, explanation of how the NAR is organized, lists of leaders, the 50-state "spiritual warfare" or prayer warrior network, and more.  Some of the links in this directory are no longer live.  

C. Peter Wagner is over 80 years old and is in the process of turning his leadership roles over to other leading apostles.  For instance, the International Coalition of Apostles website has been completely revamped and much of it put behind a membership wall.  Nevertheless, the directory provides a framework for understanding how the movement is organized and is operating throughout the nation and internationally.  

Since Bruce Wilson and I started writing about the apostles in 2008, their involvement in U.S. politics has increased dramatically.  Numerous politicians have worked closely with the apostles over the last few years.  The apostles have also gained clout within the American Religious Right, dominating many recent conferences and events.  The apostles are also involved in numerous nations in Africa, Asia, and South America.

To understand more about how this movement developed, also see:

The Rise of Charismatic Dominionism

Lengthy Report on the Transformations Movies and Organizations of the Apostles

Bill Berkowitz Interviews Rachel Tabachnick about  Palin's "Prayer Warriors" sarah_palin_are_organizing_spiritual_warfare_to_take_over_americ a?page=entire

Who are the Apostles?  What is the New Apostolic Reformation? Seven Mountains Campaign?

For an example of how the apostles are getting involved in politics, see the following compilation of articles on the NAR in Hawaii and Bruce Wilson's video on Uganda.

a link to her show, and couldn't take more than 30 seconds.  I hope she pointed out that their "helping people" was always done for one purpose only - proselytizing, and that they used deception and lies in that endeavor.  I'd have loved to hear her comments, but I am unable to stomach any dominionist preaching/teaching/etc. whatsoever... too triggering, and they sometimes even causes flashbacks and nightmares.

I hope that people watch, realize how prevalent these types are, and then make the connection to the horrific things being done by the conservative politicians right now.

(I might add that IMO, he was talking about his own church.)

by ArchaeoBob on Wed Jul 13, 2011 at 11:25:31 AM EST

... from a number of "walk aways." It is too painful to watch, I'm told.  

What frightens me as I watch these videos (some of which have been posted on previously), is that I can understand the seduction of the movement.  I can also understand how many progressives are taken in by the apostles' lip service to addressing poverty, disease, environmental degradation, etc.  Somehow people miss the fact that their answer to all of the above