Gary North, son-in-law of the late Rousas Rushdoony, is one of the most prolific Christian Reconstructionist writers. He is also an
adjunct scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute (the U.S. center for Austrian economics), recipient of the its 2004 Rothbard Medal, and contributor of hundreds of articles for, the newsletter of the institute's founder and chairman. Link to my previous article on this topic,
Waiting for the Day When We Can Say We're All Austrians: Ron Paul's Brand of Libertarianism.
North's writing explains the theocratic libertarianism of Christian Reconstructionism, a Dominionist movement which would dramatically reduce the federal government and control society through enforcement of biblical law at the local and state levels. Theocratic libertarianism has become a foundational philosophy for some of the Religious Right, but it is also surprisingly seductive to Tea Partiers and young people, some of whom may not fully understand what is supposed to happen after the federal government is stripped of its regulatory powers.