"We Put Our Foot on Hawaii," "We Will Rule" - ITN Conference 2009
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Oct 29, 2010 at 03:16:23 PM EST
Following is a partial transcript of video from the International Transformation Network conference in Hawaii in 2009. Speakers at the conference included Lt. Gov. and gubernatorial candidate James "Duke" Aiona;  Apostle Ed Silvoso, founder of ITN; Francis Oda, chairman of Global ITN and founder of Transformation Hawaii; Allen Cardines, president of Transformation Hawaii; and Apostle Pat Francis of Toronto, Canada. Also participating was candidate for the U.S. Senate, Cam Cavasso. 
The following transcript begins at 42:15 in this video of the International Transformation Network (ITN) conference in Hawaii in November, 2009.

Apostle Ed Silvoso with Apostle Pat Francis, Francis Oda, and Allen Cardines lead the audience in chanting in a prayer ceremony to take authority over Hawaii from demons and curses:


Apostle Ed Silvoso

....I want everybody, now, poised for battle. And I want everybody to say with me,

Father God, we the people of God, believe in you, and believe you, that greater is he who is in us, than the one who is in the world.  We believe that we have authority over all power of the evil one, and no harm will come to us.  

We release the battle. We are poised for battle.  We are indwelled by the Holy Spirit. We are standing on the scriptures and we say to Hawaii, Hawaii you are God's Hawaii. Hawaii, you are the vortex of transformation.

Hawaii, you shall be head and not tail, you shall be a giver, and not a taker, you shall be a lender, and not a borrower.  And now, now, now, now, in the name of Jesus, we the church, in the name of Jesus, declare to the principalities and powers, our commander and chief, the Lord Jesus Christ, has defeated. You're commanded in Jesus, and in the name of Jesus, Jesus, louder, [chanting with crowd]  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, we serve an eviction notice.   And in the name of Jesus, we command you to flee.


[Apostle Pat Francis speaking in tongues.]  

Pat Francis:

We thank you oh God, you said that if two shall agree on something, anything, it shall be done.  Therefore in the name of Jesus we take the prince over Hawaii.  We thank you oh God that you have given us power over all rulers of darkness. And we speak to the principalities, the powers, the rulers of darkness, the spiritual wickedness in high place.  That in the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, we nullify you tonight, we neutralize your works of darkness, and we declare that every plan and every strategy over Hawaii is now broken, tonight in Jesus name, in Jesus name, in Jesus name.  


We break generational curses, we break generational curses, we break generational curses, and we plead the blood of Jesus over every altar of demon, over every altar of ancestral spirit, over every altar of false religion, and in Jesus name we declare that you are the King of Hawaii, you are the Lord of Hawaii. We dispossess the gods of Hawaii, and we lift up the one and true God, Jesus Christ.  

And we are charged, standing guard, and we put our foot on Hawaii. And you said every place we put our foot, we will rule.  So we are the Kingdom, the Kingdom is here.  

Therefore in Jesus name, the King of Kings, so rule in Hawaii, and the people of Hawaii are blessed.  We break the power of poverty in the name of Jesus, we break the power of poverty in the name of Jesus, we break the power of poverty in the name of Jesus, we break the power of witchcraft power, every witchcraft power we drive you out, in the name of Jesus.  

The church is alive in Hawaii.  The church is powerful in Hawaii. And we say Jesus reign in Hawaii.  Hawaii you are blessed. Hawaii you are blessed, in the name of Jesus.  Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord.  Let's declare Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord.  Let's clap unto the Lord Jesus Christ.



Amen, amen, amen, amen and we're going to celebrate with music, but when you leave the convention center you sing to Hawaii, you speak to Hawaii you declare Hawaii, you have been set free.  Hawaii the Kingdom of God is here. Hawaii, the Kingdom of God is in the government.  Speak to Hawaii, speak to Hawaii. Praise God. Let's sing and don't forget tomorrow. Come on!

Note that apostles of the New Apostolic Reformation (the larger movement in which in Ed Silvoso and Pat Francis belong) have led similar ceremonies around the country, some of which have included signing of divorce decrees from Ba'al and destruction of artifacts representing the "ancestral spirit" and "false religions."  The apostles make it very clear in their extensive writings and media, that all belief systems outside of their brand of born-again Christianity are controlled by what they describe as powerful  demonic principalities.

The movement teaches that they must take "dominion" or control of society and government from others, and put it in the hands of born again Christians under the authority of their apostles. These ceremonies are not just spiritualized attacks on societal ills.  The demons they say they are driving out in these ceremony are, according to their own media, the principalities which they believe prevent Roman Catholics, as well as all other religions and belief systems, from converting to evangelical Christianity.  

The apostles claim that once this "transformation" has been achieved, there will be supernatural healing of societal ills such as corruption, crime, poverty, and disease.  The movement does indeed perform charitable works and a number of apostles have been recognized for their activism by local and national governments.  However, as made clear by their leadership, these activities are to "gain favor with the people" in order to advance their agenda for "taking dominion over cities and nations," which they believe will result in a Christian utopia on earth.

For more information:

Compilation of Quotes
Quotes from Ed Silvoso and Other NAR Apostles About Transformation

Compilation of Resources and Documentation
Links to Two Years of Articles on NAR Including Aiona, ITN, and Transformation Hawaii

The following Talk2action articles on the Transformation Hawaii, ITN, and the political impact on the state of Hawaii are listed chronologically beginning with April 2010:

Transforming Hawaii Part One - April 17, 2010

Transforming Hawaii Part Two - April 17, 2010

Church-State Separation Expert Challenges  Hawaii's Lt. Governor Aiona -
April 22, 2010

They Cast Out Demons, Burn Witchcraft Items, and Field Gubernatorial Candidates
- August 25, 2010

Plot To Install a Christian Supremacist as Hawaii's Next Governor Hangs By a Thread -
September 9, 2010

Mormon Candidate for Governor of Hawaii Tied to Movement That Burns Books of Mormon
- September 10, 2010

The Head and Not the Tail - Battle Cry for the Seven Mountains Campaign
- September 13, 2010

Will Hawaii Be The Next Transformation Conquest for the Apostles and Their Prayer Warriors
-September 12, 2010

Hawaii Candidate For Governor Claimed Membership in Group That Burns Native Art
- October 19, 2010
