Christian Right Claims Both 2010 Hawaii Gubernatorial Candidates
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Apr 22, 2010 at 11:07:38 AM EST
"It doesn't matter if the Republican or the Democratic candidate wins the governorship [of Hawaii]. Either one is already in the kingdom" - Ed Silvoso

In Uganda and the Philippines Ed Silvoso meets with heads of state. His ministry is linked to the so-called "Kill the gays" bill looming before Uganda's parliament that threatens to execute or imprison Uganda's entire homosexual population.

In the first video shown below [see full story], Ed Silvoso suggests his movement owns both the Democratic and the Republican candidate for Hawaii governor in the 2010 race. Silvoso appears to be referring to Duke Aiona and Mufi Hannemann and he's so confident Silvoso is already planning the victory celebration, on November 9-13, 2010. [I cover activities of Silvoso's Hawaii organization in my 20-page report "Transforming Hawaii", part 1 & part 2]

In the third video, below, Ed Silvoso likens opponents of his movement to rats that will be exterminated when necessary. The following video shows Silvoso blessing and anointing Duke Aiona, in a November 7, 2009 ceremony.

In 2004 Lt. Governor James "Duke" Aiona, dedicated Hawaii and its public schools to Jesus. Aiona is the ITN's main horse in the Hawaii 2010 gubernatorial race but If Aiona doesn't win there's a backup plan.

“It doesn’t matter if the Republican or the Democratic candidate wins the governorship [of Hawaii]. Either one is already in the kingdom,” declared International Transformation Network Founder and CEO Ed Silvoso at the March 4-6 Convergence 2010 conference in Dallas, as Silvoso was announcing the ITN’s upcoming 20th Institute On Nation Transformation conference, scheduled to be held November 9-14, 2010 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village near Honolulu.

The Silvoso electoral strategy

What is Silvoso talking about ? Well, the Hawaii chapter of his International Transformation Network has put together a sizable church-based voter turnout machine in the Aloha State, and that machine will vote for Aiona in the general election.

Now, Former Democratic Congressman Neil Abercrombie has declared he's running for the governor's seat but Honolulu's Mayor Mufi Hannemann, also a Democrat, is expected to declare and challenge Abercrombie. Hannemann has raised more money than either of the three and is popular.

Because Hawaii has open primaries, Silvoso's voter turnout machine can throw its weight behind Hannemann in the Democratic primary.

Silvoso appears to think it's all sewn up.

Mufi Hannemann and the International Transformation Network

While my Hawaii sources suggest it's unlikely that Mufi Hannemann is the true believer Duke Aiona seems to be the Honolulu Mayor, a Mormon, is at least along for the ride.

Hannemann attended the International Transformation Network's first big Hawaii conference according to Richard Borreca of the Honolulu Star Bulletin and on 9:00 AM on January 21, 2008 Duke Aiona and Mufi Hannemann shared a stage at the opening ceremonies for a Transformation Hawaii / International Transformation Network "Catch the Wave" two-day conference at the Hawaii Convention Center.

Lt. Governor Aiona and Mayor Hannemann could also be found together at a January 18, 2010 Honolulu rally against same sex marriage that was organized by the Hawaii Family Forum.

The Hawaii Family Forum was founded by International Transformation Network Chairman Francis Oda, who also chairs the board of the Hawaii Family Forum. Ed Silvoso is ITN's CEO.

In several Internet notices advertising International Transformation conferences, one under Ed Silvoso's name, International Transformation Network Council Member Cal Chinen is described as "shepherding" Lt. Governor Aiona, Honolulu's mayor Mufi Hannemann, and several members of the Hawaiian Congress.

The Coronation

At the ITN’s 19th world conference, on November 7, 2009 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Hawaii’s current Republican Lt. Governor James “Duke” Aiona, running in 2010 to be Hawaii's next governor, repeatedly jabbed his finger at the podium, for emphasis, as he told conference attendees,

“We’re one body of Christ, we’re one church and we’re all here to disciple the nations, here in Hawaii and everywhere else, and I want you all to know that... May God’s grace be with the participants of the International Transformation Network Global conference. Aloha, from myself, Lt. Governor Duke Aiona to all of you but in particular to pastor Ed [Silvoso.]”

Introducing Duke Aiona’s speech, at the 2009 International Transformation Network conference, ITN Chairman, Transformation Hawaii cofounder, and noted Hawaii architect Francis Oda declared, “God is transforming Hawaii... we are the tip of his spear.”

After Aiona’s speech Francis Oda, his wife Caroline, and Transformation Hawaii cofounder and ITN Council member Cal Chinen, laid hands on Duke Aiona while Ed Silvoso pronounced, “We are breaking every weapon of the enemy, we are canceling every curse... we are declaring there is an even greater future for the Lt. Governor and his wife.”

Then Silvoso called upon God to bless Lt. Governor Aiona while the audience of over 500 delegates from six continents, arms upraised, hands outstretched, swaying back and forth, echoed, in unison, Ed Silvoso’s words.

That blessing and anointing ceremony was remarkably similar to ceremonies held in 2005 and 2008 that blessed and anointed former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. For good reason - Sarah Palin and Duke Aiona are in the same movement.


As shown in the video below, from ITN’s 18th world conference held October 2008 in Mar del Plata, Argentina, Ed Silvoso likened opponents of his movement to rats that would be killed when necessary. Standing beside Silvoso at the time was Cal Chinen, one of the leaders of "Transformation Hawaii," ITN's Hawaii chapter. Duke Aiona was listed in 2008 as being honorary chairman of Transformation Hawaii. Following Silvoso's "rats" speech, Hawaii public school principal Susan Mulcahy compared parents, who had complained about Mulcahy's efforts to insert her version of Christianity into her school, to "rats." Mulcahy is one of the listed leaders of Transformation Hawaii.

Duke Aiona has been associated with Ed Silvoso's movement for years. He has been an honorary ITN leader, he's attended numerous ITN conferences including one in Argentina, he's contributed a chapter to one of the movement's books, and he even has appeared in several promotional videos for Transformation Hawaii and the ITN.

Aiona was listed from 2005 through 2008 as honorary chairman of Transformation Hawaii, a registered 5012(c)(3) which in 2007 officially became an ITN chapter - making Aiona, in effect, an honorary leader in the ITN. As the ad and Transformation Hawaii video documentary footage, below, details, Transformation Hawaii is based on Ed Silvoso's ideas.

[below: On December 8, 2004, Lt. Governor Duke Aiona officially dedicated Hawaii, and its schools, to Jesus.]

In October 2006 Lt Governor Aiona took time off from his reelection campaign and flew to Argentina for a week long International Transformation Network conference.

Video from the conference shows Aiona holding hands and praying together with the First Lady of Uganda Janet Museveni and exclaiming, “It’s taken me 9,000 miles, approximately, away from home to understand what is happening in Uganda, what is happening in Argentina.”

[below: Duke Aiona prays with Uganda's First Lady Janet Museveni]

Inside the US, the International Transformation Network is not overtly eliminationist. But ITN faculty members have endorsed the work of church-based, government-backed death squads in Latin America and, in Africa, the ITN is associated with pending legislation apparently aimed at eliminating or imprisoning an entire segment of Ugandan society.

Silvoso claims his ITN has set in motion an effort* to indoctrinate the entire national police force of the Philippines (over 100,000 officers), by official order of the head of that police force, using curriculum based on evangelist Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life. Reports from Philippine police departments and government agencies describe the indoctrination program.

Silvoso's International Transformation Network has a major effort ongoing in Newark, New Jersey, founded in early 2008 by Lloyd Turner. The effort claims to have one volunteer to "prayer walk" and pray over almost every single street of Newark. PrayforNewark's volunteers are organized by city ward, like a political campaign.

From Singapore to Jacksonville, Florida Ed Silvoso can be found telling the same vicious antigay anecdote in megachurches. Ed Silvoso teaches that gays are possessed by demons. In C. Peter Wagner's movement that position is doctrine. Ed Silvoso is one of Wagner's apostles. Another Wagner apostle, Cindy Jacobs, specializes in casting those gay demons out.

Wagner, Silvoso, and Jacobs could be found together at the March 4-6 2010 Convergence conference in Dallas, Texas. Footage from the conference was recently aired on the Rachel Maddow Show. The footage was of Cindy Jacobs conducting a faith healing session at the conference. In the session Jacobs claims she's healing tumors and breaking "generation curses" of "witchcraft," "lust," and "idolatry."

The day after Maddow aired the Cindy Jacobs footage, above, Maddow explained on her show that she wouldn't be showing any more footage of Jacobs because too many of her listeners called in to complain. They found Cindy Jacobs too disturbing.

And that's where we're at.

"Prayercast" against health care reform

On December 7, 2009, TheCall founder Lou Engle led the Family Research Council's "Prayercast" against health care reform. Attending the event, being led in prayer by Engle, were US GOP Senators Sam Brownback and Jim DeMint, and Republican Congressional Representatives Michelle Bachmann and Randy Forbes.

Lou Engle says 'the "most dangerous" terrorist is God" and has called for acts of Christian martyrdom to stop gay marriage and legal abortion. Engle teaches that homosexuals are possessed by demons. Engle is a prophet in C. Peter Wagner's elite Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders.

Fellow Wagner prophet Bishop Harry Jackson also attended the Prayercast event. Jackson also serves on Peter Wagner's Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, which issues group prophecy.

Also attending the Prayercast was Rev. Jim Garlow, who played a major role in the 2008 fight to pass the antigay Proposition Eight in California. Cindy Jacobs introduced Garlow's speech at the 2010 Convergence conference.

Calling in to the Prayercast was Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference that purports to represent ten million Hispanic evangelicals and five million charismatic Catholics.

According to Wagner prophet Lou Engle, latinos are the centerpiece of a strategy to turn California "pro-life." as Lou Engle said in October 2008,

"We believe that the Latinos are going to be a mighty force to turn America back to God. I am burning with a passion for the Latinos. Cindy Jacobs prophesied that California will be a pro-life state. The only way that will happen is MILLIONS of Latinos begin to understand that they can literally turn elections!"

On May 1st or 2nd (the date's been changing) Lou Engle plans to stage one of his antigay, sexual purity-obsessed prayer rallies in Kampala, Uganda - where the eliminationist Anti Homosexuality Bill looms.

In the video below, from one of Lou Engle's events held in 2007, Engle claims gay are possessed by demons and calls San Francisco's Castro District "where the homosexuals boast the dominion of darkness."

In the United States those positions are becoming harder to sell. But in Uganda Engle's particular form of hate speech is on the rise and, this May in Uganda, Lou Engle may just help to get a lot of innocent people killed.

The Movement

Ed Silvoso is an apostle in C. Peter Wagner's International Coalition of Apostles. ICA apostles, and members of Wagner's Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE), are in the forefront of antigay organizing globally. As reported in an early 2009 Charisma Magazine story, ACPE member and ICA apostle Mary Glazier is a good friend of Sarah Palin. Palin joined Glazier's personal prayer network at the age of 24. Palin is closely linked to the movement and as governor of Alaska Palin, like Duke Aiona, also dedicated her state to Jesus.

Peter Wagner's networks are the vanguard of a global movement within evangelical Christianity that attributes homosexuality to demon possession. in 2001 Wagner declared the advent of a second Reformation. Here's Wagner's highly lucid explanation of the movement.

Wagner's prophet Lou Engle, and Engle's organization TheCall, played a major role in the 2008 push to pass California's anti-gay marriage Proposition 8. In the summer of 2009 Engle blessed and anointed Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee. Lou Engle will stage one of his anti-gay, sexual purity obsessed TheCall rallies in Uganda's capital Kampala on May 1st, 2010.

[You can read more about the movement described in this story at the following Talk To Action web site section: Resource Directory for the New Apostolic Reformation. Also see: Heads Up: Prayer Warriors and Sarah Palin Are Organizing Spiritual Warfare to Take Over America]

*Note: while ICA apostle Ed Silvoso suggests his ministry efforts are responsible for the program, various evangelical ministries not technically part of the ITN appear to be carrying out the Purpose Driven indoctrination of the Philippine National Police. International Coalition of Apostles head C. Peter Wagner has written that Rick Warren's widely-touted P.E.A.C.E. Plan in Africa and the developing world is "stage one" in the process of establishing Christian dominion. In a December 10, 2009 public statement Rick Warren denied that he was "conspiring" with Peter Wagner to "rid the world of homosexuals."

The prospect of Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, a Mormon, and Democrat, facing Republican Lt. Governor James "Duke" Aiona for Governor of Hawaii in the November general election, and both of them under the influence of the International Transformation Network, is very worrisome!

Right now, Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann has not even announced that he is ru