More Unusual Claims From Kimberly Daniels
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu May 05, 2011 at 10:55:39 AM EST
An April 20th, 2011 press release from the gay-rights activist group Truth Wins Out "called on Jacksonville, FL City Council candidate Kimberly Daniels (D) to bow out of the race after shocking videos [see bottom of this story] revealed offensive comments about Jews and slavery." But wait! There's more!
"I took my hand and put it over the lowest part of her stomach area and cursed the seed of Satan from her womb. By the authority of Jesus Christ, I performed a spiritual abortion and killed Satan's baby. Her body then fell limp as I called the spirit of Dracula out of her and broke the curse of the living dead off of her."---Kimberly Daniels, page 113, From A Mess To A Miracle, 2002, Creation House Press

"Regardless of political opinions, the Bible makes it clear: Those who support the homosexual agenda and the murder of unborn babies will be judged (see Rom. 1:32). These were the main issues in the days of ancient Israel, and they are critical issues today.

The pro-abortion movement is tied to the worship of two idols, Chemosh and Molech, the gods of child sacrifice... How can we vote for politicians who favor these ungodly movements?"---Kimberly Daniels, October 7, 2008 Charisma magazine blog post

Who is Kim Daniels? As I wrote in my April 22, 2011 Talk To Action story, Kim Daniels Is Not Your Average "gay demon" Exorcist For City Council,

They call her the Demonbuster. A professed exorcist (it's in print) who claims to cast out "gay demons", Kim Daniels is vying in an upcoming runoff election, as a Democrat, for Jacksonville, Florida City Council. She's not your average exorcist though--over the past several years her colleagues, Daniels' fellow apostles, could be found meeting and praying together with Barack Obama, championing the religious right's battle to prevent hate crimes legislation and fighting to roll back reproductive rights and thwart legalization of same-sex marriage.

Accompanying my story are videos of Daniels making statements such as, "the Jews own everything!" and thanking God for slavery, without which, according to Daniels, "I might be somewhere in Africa worshiping a tree!" [for more notable quotes, see A Kim Daniels 'Demonbuster' Quote Base]

Kimberly Daniels' claim to have aborted Satan's baby, notable in light of Daniels' antiabortion, pro-life views, comes at the tail end of an anecdote Kim Daniels tells in her book From A Mess To A Miracle, concerning a protracted series of exorcisms Daniels said she had to do to "deliver" a Muslim woman in Africa, from demons. But where does Satan's baby come in? Daniels explains that on page 98 of the book:

"The goal of the enemy is to impregnate its victims with a Cambion--the seed of satan that is planted into an individual as a result of intercourse with these nightmare spirits. Incubus and Succubus spirits drop Cambions into the spiritual womb of the person...


...One encounter with sexual demons does not necessarily mean that a demonic pregnancy has taken place, just as intercourse in the natural does not always always lead to pregnancy. But every time intercourse takes place there is a chance that a pregnancy will occur.
   Continual encounters with these spirits can result in a Cambion pregnancy, which are quite popular in Africa. They are often referred to as fathom pregnancies. Sometimes the stomach of the woman will actually grow as if they were really having a baby. Women have been known to endure pregnancies of this sort for up to two years. I have personally cast demons out of people with these spirits. I have also encountered many conflicts with witches that have willingly taken on the seed of satan to have more power and rank in the dark kingdom."

In case you missed it, in the last paragraph of that passage Kimberly Daniels makes the strong suggestion that Africans are especially prone to sex with demons, quite an interesting thing for an African-American pastor to suggest. But it fits the pattern, another reason why Kim Daniels might be grateful for slavery, which apparently delivered her from the dark continent where people are prone to copulate with the demonic hordes of the devil.

But where did these themes of sex-with-demons come from, really? Well, sex-with-demons narratives were very popular during the middle Medieval period, elicited under torture from subjects, usually women, who had been accused of witchcraft. What really underlay the Medieval witchcraft craze, argues Walter Stephens, author of Demon Lovers: Witchcraft, Sex, and the Crisis of Belief (link to John Hopkins Press review of the book), was a desperate need to prove the existence of the supernatural realm. As Dale Keiger, reviewing Stephens' book for JHU, writes,

"Stephens read every treatise he could find on witchcraft, as well as accounts of interrogations, theological tracts, and other works (his bibliography lists 154 primary and more than 200 secondary sources). Most of the 86 witchcraft treatises he cites had been written in western Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, and one after another (including the Malleus) contain accounts of sexual intercourse with satanic spirits. Why? Were the authors remorseless misogynists hellbent on portraying women in the worst possible light? Were they lurid, repressed celibates who got off by writing accounts of demon sex? Stephens didn't think so; the texts, in his view, didn't support that reading. Elsewhere in the Malleus he had found a key reference to accused witches under torture as being "expert witnesses to the reality of carnal interaction between humans and demons." These guys are trying to construct proofs that demons exist, he thought. They're trying to convince skeptics. And then he thought, They're trying to convince themselves."

A review from the University of Chicago press presents another useful synopsis of the book:

"a number of devout Christians, including trained theologians, displayed an uncanny preoccupation with the topic during the centuries of the "witch craze." Why? To find out, Stephens conducts a detailed investigation of the first and most influential treatises on witchcraft (written between 1430 and 1530), including the infamous Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches).

Far from being credulous fools or mindless misogynists, early writers on witchcraft emerge in Stephens's account as rational but reluctant skeptics, trying desperately to resolve contradictions in Christian thought on God, spirits, and sacraments that had bedeviled theologians for centuries. Proof of the physical existence of demons--for instance, through evidence of their intercourse with mortal witches--would provide strong evidence for the reality of the supernatural, the truth of the Bible, and the existence of God. Early modern witchcraft theory reflected a crisis of belief--a crisis that continues to be expressed today in popular debates over angels, Satanic ritual child abuse, and alien abduction." - from University of Chicago Press book review of Walter Stephens' book.

I suspect Kim Daniels' exaggerated demonology themes in her books serve a similar function, and it's sobering to think that such ideas, long considered to have been left behind by the Enlightenment, are now resurfacing--especially given the horrific human toll attributed to the Medieval witch hunting craze.

Kim Daniels is an apostle with the International Coalition of Apostles whose apostles are, among other things, amassing a small army of volunteer Jacksonville "prayer walkers" (who also might serve handily as get-out-the-vote volunteers in an election) to march the streets of Jacksonville, Florida, attempting to pray down crime ( a similar effort in Newark, NJ, led by the same apostle, hasn't worked out very well, at least in terms of crime reduction.)

As I detailed in my story Kim Daniels Is Not Your Average "gay demon" Exorcist For City Council, Daniels' ICA apostles can these days be found in the company of US senators and Congress members, and even Presidential and  Vice Presidential candidates. As I suggested in an October 2010 story, Witchcraft again - Aiona, Hawaii Candidate For Gov., Tied to Witch-Fighting Evangelicals, witch-hunting is a common theme in rhetoric from Kim Daniels fellow ICA apostles, and in Sarah Palin's 'Witchcraft Problem' Is Bigger Than Christine O'Donnell's 'Witchcraft Problem', I covered Palin's personal ties to two apostles in Daniels' movement.

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by RobertFelix on Mon Feb 17, 2020 at 06:50:45 AM EST

You just do to me, what you do
And it feels like I've been rescued
   fireboy and watergirl

by lindaperryly on Tue Jul 21, 2020 at 02:36:36 AM EST

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