Groups Join to Condemn Left Behind: Eternal Forces
Jonthan Hutson The Purpose Driven Life Takers (Part 1)[5/29/2006] Violent Video Marketed Through Mega-Churches (Part 2) Revelation and Resignation (Part 3) Christian Cadre's Layman: 'A Whopper of Being Wrong' (Part 4) Apocalypse, Now a Lawsuit (Part 5) Who's Watching the Boys? (Part 6) Conservative Christian Culture Warriors Cut and Run (Part 7) Bible Publisher Tyndale House Faces Boycott Over Anti-Christian Game (Part 8)
Chip Berlet "Left Behind Video Reflects Bigoted Apocalyptic Violence of Original Fiction Series," (6/12/2006) "LaHaye and Jenkins: Why is the Criticism Left Behind? "
The World According to Tim LaHaye: A Series
Groups Join to Condemn Left Behind: Eternal Forces | 22 comments (22 topical, 0 hidden)
Groups Join to Condemn Left Behind: Eternal Forces | 22 comments (22 topical, 0 hidden)